Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Yoshi and Almondine and me

I got to see my frinds today and we played and runned togeddder.  we had such gud time at Chatfield State Park.  it wuzzed so nice and warm and the path was muddy and smelly! here we are playink.
my face is funny allways! ! Yoshi is my scruffy frind and Almondine is my doggy frind like my kind.

we played follow the yoshi leader to  the island and I rolled in sum smelly goosey poopy.
mommy yelled yucky Percy, stop that and come back
so I commed charging back, and lookit at my belly and legs.  mommy sed oh no, you are stinky Percy
I tink I smell so gud now.  thin we all decided to pose for a nice frind pitcher togedder. 
thin I runned amuck agin like I always do.
I also runned thru the muck. more stinky good fun for me, Percy
I sure know how to have a great day! 

mommy sed ok, everybody its time to go home now.  so me and Almondine trotted tegedder down the liddle path. 
here is a during and thin an after of me.  during I em so rambunctious and after I em so conked out.

I sleeped like a liddle dear win we getted home.
and  I dreamt of dis gud time today.
funny faced frinds!!