Thursday, June 30, 2016

sweet dreem

     now this is whut I calls a sweet dream.  om nom nom.  smart cow puts me to sleep.

me snoooring

turn up your sownd and hears me snoozing all comfy in my mommys lap.   zzzzzzzz

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

I has such long body

did you notice in my last picture how long I is gittting?  it makes me smile. 
hey, hows do I look wit only 1 ear??  hehehehehehehe

loooong body

did I mintion how long my body is growing?  I thanksful cuzzed I can cha cha cha!!!

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

I winned big prize cuzzed of smile!

Do you all remember this great smiling me pitcher??  well, guess whut?  It gotted celebrated!!
my mommy entered it in contest callt "grin to win" at pet store callt Chuck and Dons.  sumedhow it gitted not seen by ployees on website...when ployees noticed after contest ended they gived me humungus clection of toyz treets and gift card!  and they putted my smile pitcher in store! 

here iz my goodiez basket!!

and here iz my pitcher at the store !  see me and my grin?  I grinned to win!!  I'm ready for goodiez!

Monday, June 27, 2016

are you my mommy?

                                                                                                                       I tink so!!

i ruv me sum bubblez

I gived up, I jest cant catch them...time for nap

Sunday, June 26, 2016

why can't i lick drops?

I trying to get water I see coming down, but I dunt get why I dunt get them

Saturday, June 25, 2016

iced ice

we goed on boat tuday and my mommy always gits a starbuks iced dink.  whin she finished it I gits to have sum iced ice!  Iced ice is sooo good, I eat up the iced ice then wear the cup and try to licks the liddle bit karmel frum bottom.  om nom nom
 we has to pull over cuzzed I eated so much iced ice that I has to go potty.  dunt tell inyone but I  goed pottied in ocean.   ahhhhh all is bedder after I goed potty in ocean.
I ruv to blow bubbles inside ocean.  Time for floating agin so I has to put yello vest on agin.
I is all ready now.  we floated lots.  but its time for byebye ocean in south.

Friday, June 24, 2016

going upstairs

do you member when I used to be fraid of stairs?  well I not innymore.  I goed up 200 of them today.  sumptink my mommy callz incline.  I wanted to go so fast but my mommy sez slow down to me.  I has fun.  Then we goed on walk at top and back down.

Thursday, June 23, 2016

I got this

                         Whattya tink???!!!!!
  I is SMILING!!!!!


           now I conked out with remote ting.  I watch Scooby Doo all night with it
                                                   I is getting smarter

Wednesday, June 22, 2016


                                                    Just conked out with Asa

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

I meet a snake

I meeted a humungus boa constrictor in my yard today.  I barked and barked and barked and then my mommy picked up the humungus boa constrictor.  I worried it might boa constrict her but she sez it was snake called a gardening snake.  I dent get it cuzzed it wasn't gardening and it wuznt in a garden.  ohs well, I tink I liked him and wanted to play, but then it went pp and I tinked it was gross.  we goed and set him free far from my garden. 

Monday, June 20, 2016

almost smiling

                                            see?  I preddy much am doing it!!

Sunday, June 19, 2016


Looky at me, I is seeping in closet and being warm on blankets.  I is hasing snuggly dreams in here.

Saturday, June 18, 2016

I is mountain Dog

 Me and Mommy goed to sum mountains that she owns.  I has a question for you you knowed what in the world is this? My mommy tinks it is sum kind uf animul but I tink it is spacemen maybe
I tend I bigfoot.  I look like how bigfoot walks dunt you tink so too?

Now I look like I  shud be model in Basset Hound book.
I running a little scairt cuzzed I tink I see a bigfoot   Help me mommy!

oh wait here is a camera and I ruv to have pitcher taken so I stop and say cheese.
me and mommy tink it is so bootyful up here.  That is pikes peak with snow in backgrownd.!

me and Mommy are happy togedder.
time to go back home now.  bye bye land.  bye bye elk.  cu sooooon again.

Friday, June 17, 2016

say cheese

  I is learning how to smile like a people.  I is happy and my wagiing tail is my smile, but I tink I kind of a people so I has to have my mouth smile too.  I doing it a liddle bit!!

                                           I doing it a liddle bit again!
                                                  I ecen practicing a liddle smile in my slumber.

Thursday, June 16, 2016

beyond fence

Sumtimes I just sit and stare at fence and I tink I wonder what is on the udder side.  I do this sumtime

Wednesday, June 15, 2016


Me and my buddy Asa share the same sleep spot.  I tink we look like the same, just I am red and he is black.  we both have whut Basset Hounds call ticking.  that means polka dots.   I ruv Asa!
do you see lamychop?  Asa ruvs his lamychop. 

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

i so big

my mommy says I turned big overnight!  I dunt fit in inyones lap anymore.  this is livia trying to rock me.  she hides face cuzzed she is weird teenedager.  anyway I dunt fit inymore. 

Monday, June 13, 2016

go away rain

                     I need to go outside, but sky is crying

Sunday, June 12, 2016

snake clothes

todasy I is so prowd of me.  I fined sumptink cool. 
                                                        it was this....!!!!
I barked and barked and barked till my mommy comed to see what I wuz barking and barking about.
she sez ooo gross-- get back Percival.  yup she used Percival.  I knowed she meaned business so I getted back.  then she just picked up this and we goed in house.  so whyed did I has to get back?  she tells me it was a snakes old skin.  now THAT IS gross.  what up wit those tings?  They jest crawl right out of their old clothes?  wheres do they git new ones?  I goed back out to find snake with new clothes.  but I is still proud I finded that.

Saturday, June 11, 2016

fishing me

I goed fishing back to ocean and I lucky dog.  That is a ladybug on my noggin

I so good looking!
Today I meted a trout called brown.

I just yawned, I bored with fish