Monday, October 31, 2016

happy halloween

well this is my first Halloween and I dressed up as this guy cuzzed my mommy sez I iz a superdog!
yup, I iz superdog.  mommy sez I protect barns frum those ratties
but I tink I jest Percy, goofball.  and I secretly am scairt of zombies coming tonight on hallows eve

Sunday, October 30, 2016

I is a ratting dawg---- Baywind Ghost Of Christmas Past RATN !!!!!

well, guess whut?  I earned my RATN today!!  I gitted my last leg and got furst place agin in Novice, I even beated out those ratting ratter dawgs!  I did git a furst place yesterday too, and a second place to beat them all too!  I also passed instint agin today, even tho I already knows I has the ratting instinct.  whut fun me and mommy had today!  I getted my first title!  RATN !!!!
I tink I is so good looking

I is hoping I canz go back in data barn and hunt those ratties

but I so tired up

oh I waked up and I is showing off my ribbons.  I jest know everywon is so happy with me

Saturday, October 29, 2016

Barn Hunt!!!

I goed on my very first trial today to see if I could find a rattie.  oh, I did!  I has so much fun hunting for those critters.  I passed my rat instinct test and I also earned 2 legs towards my Novice title.  I tink I em a great ratter, even tho I em a hound dawg.  I ruvved it and my mommy wuzzed so proud of me.

my mommy wuzzed so happy with me

I iz so handsum I tink

my mommy sez Percy tunnel, and I sez no mommy, I iz too buzy hunting ratties

I climbed and I wined my next leg

I was waiting for my turn in the barn

lookit at me smiling cuzzed me and mommy so happy!
I am now Baywind Ghost Of Christmas Past RATI !!

Friday, October 28, 2016

did I hear a zombie?

oh no, now I member that Halloween is coming soon.  I jest tinked I herd a zombie coming soon too. 

Thursday, October 27, 2016

i has weekend plans

I goed to barn hunt practice again today and my mommy told me that we are going on a trip this weekend so I cans compete in a real trial...with rules and all.  I was a lil nervus today winned  I practiced.  see, I am looking a lil nervus before it wuz my turn to find sum rats.
thin I goed in hay and I finded sum rats, so now I so cited for this weekend!
wish me sum good luck

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

i finded more rats

well I goed to barn hunt practice last nite and I did find sum rats...but I also relized I like to peepee on the hay bales.  mommy not real happy winned I do this but i tink I like to mark my space. 
sumtimes I go in to barn and I jest work and find those rats.  mommy likes win I does this!
see?  I is telling mommy I finded a rat.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

i always knowed it

I knowed Max was a zombie.  lookit his eyes....eeeeeeeeeek.  I has to run and hide.  my face sez I knowed it all along.  don't mind my eyes-that is jest the light of heavin shining thru.  I angel puppy.

Monday, October 24, 2016

dog daze

my mommy sez these are the dog daze of summer.  I dunt knowed whut that means but I sure do ruv seeping in the warm sun.

so duzzed Asa
and Max wunts to, but he keeps his eyes open while he iz sleepy tired.  Max is funny
I tink I ruv fall time!  its my furst one.

Sunday, October 23, 2016

silly pitcher

I tink this pitcher looks like I has a leaf in my mouth.  but really I am sticking my tongue out to say phooey to zombies.  My mommy said spooky day Halloween is coming and that maybe  means zombies. 

Saturday, October 22, 2016


I tink it iz called fall cuzzed the leaves fall.  do you see it? above Asa's head?

look-me and Asa are twinsies
and agin, twinsies

do you see Asa looking at the other falling leaf?
I like fall

Friday, October 21, 2016

dreary day

my mommy callz dayz like today dreary.  I not know whut that means but it is gray colored and a liddle raining. 

Thursday, October 20, 2016

I sniffed out sum rats!

well, I dun it!  I learnt how to find sum rats in a barn.  well, I dunt think it wuzed really a barn.  but I finded sum rats!
first I meeted a rat.  then I patiently waited for my turn in the barn
then I hunted out sum rats.  and I finded them!!
oh it wuzzed so much fun!  I cant wait to get my RATI title!
But my mommy sez I cant pee on the hale bales, and oops, I did. 

Wednesday, October 19, 2016


I is so cited for tonight!!  My mommy is taking me for sumpting callt barn hunting!  I git to learn how to go thru  hay bale tunnels and sniff out rats!  oh I tink I will ruv dis so much!  my sitter Poppy has dun it and she is so funny with it--she runned all around and around.  she had the zoomies a lot.  I will post tomorrow all of the fun stuff I git to do tonite! 
I tink I already smell a rat, I tink there is one in here! I practice for tonight.

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

no zombies commed

Phewy, I made it thru the night without the zombies coming to git me!  I so happy to see the daylight.
                                            I jest smile and smile

Monday, October 17, 2016

zombie brain?

lookit whut my mommy showed me--Target is selling zombie brains!!  gulp, now I has sum questions.  I is wunderink if zombies really has brains, and I iz wundering if zombies really  do has brains, then how duz Target git the brains out of the zombie heads?
I mite not ever seep agin, cuz I knowed zombies come out at night time.  I so tired, but I not letting me fall to seep.  I snuggle Phil for protectink me.
everyone else is seeping but I jest stay wake worrit bout zombies coming to git me.
I has to keep watch out.  why are zombie brains pink innyways?

Sunday, October 16, 2016

mommys raffle prize

dis iz one of the cool tings my mommy winned at the doggie show raffle.  I tink it is so cool--I tink it is me Percy wearing my fishing hat and catching a big fish! do you remember me and my fishing hat?

See?  I telled you!!  It's me---Percy!

Saturday, October 15, 2016

people Bassets

my crazied mommy and Livia taked this pitcher of trying to be looking like me and Asa.  I tink it cute
                             but I dent tink they are really a lot looking  like me and Asa, do you? 

Friday, October 14, 2016

me n max

I ruv my buddy Max.  I try to be with him for naps but he duzznt share as good as Asa.  I has never been able to snuggle wit him.  cuzzed he duznt snuggle, I jest stare at him a lot. 

Thursday, October 13, 2016

I is in advertizement

my mommy was looking at doggy class skedual and she finded me on web page!  oh we wuzzed so cited.  we dent has iny idea that I was on there.  I is the one on the top!  I tink I looking so cutie!

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

scary warning

lookit this sign, it sez beware of zombies...  I is so scairt.  I screamed out loud.
this iz me being so scairt of zombie warning --- my teeth are chattering.  I dunt like zombie warning

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

my family

my mommy meeted a lot of my livermates at the doggie show.  I wished I cud has gone  too.
               This is my papa JO!!!! my mommy sez he is the sweetest boy ever...ahem mommy.

I tink my papa is pretty cool looking. 
this is my famus sitter Poppy. 
my mommy sez she is sooo smarty.....ahem mommy.
Poppy haz her frind Cabo with her.  I like there bananas---drool IZ cool!
of course you know my brudder Tanner frum his winning pitcher!  whut you mite not know is that he also winned the best puppy in Junior sweepstakes at the national show !!!  my mommy sez he is SO handsome....ahem mommy.
and my mommy showed me a pitcher of my udder brudder who used to be known as mitch.  like Prince--the artist formerly known as....  innyway I tink my brudders name is josh now.  mommy only seed a pitcher, she dint  git to meet him, he wusnt there. but she sez she ruvs him.

and here is my special brudder Cooper. I tink me and Cooper were togedder a lot and I ruvved him so muched.   my mommy sez he has the cutest cow lick in the world.  I dunt tink I has a cow licking me....I hope not, grody Cooper. 

so my mommy lucky she got to see my livermates.  I jelly.  maybe next year.....ahem mommy.
lucky mommy also spended time with my livermates owners, now I really jelly...