no, I am not going to make it until midnight....goodbye 2017, and goodnight.
Sunday, December 31, 2017
year end
It is almost the end of anudder grate year. I did so much fun stuff. Let us member togedder... I got to learn to swim, I drifted down the Bighorn river in a boat, I traveled through 2 new states, I earned 8 new titles, I got to go to a Kyra Sundance workshop, I hiked a lot and splored lots of new places, I camped in a tent overnight, I learned lots of new tricks, I went in to a show ring for the first time, I passed a rabbit hunting test, I meeted a lot of new frinds, and, not that it was grate, but I had to stay overnite in a hospital for the second rock I ate. I bet I has had more xrays this year than you has had in your whole life!!! there wuz so much gud about this year, plus I gotted my new cat frind. If you have read my blog, whut canz you ad to the list?? I can't wait for 2018! in 4 1/2 more hours it will be here. Yippeeeeeee!!!!! We are hasing a giant feast of food tonight, I em going to stay up until the new year is here to cellybrate.
Saturday, December 30, 2017
Look out evrybuddy, Percy is coming. Mommy sed this tape is perfect for me lately-she sed that I has been SO bad that evrybuddy has to take cation whin I am around.
so look out, Here co Percy!
Friday, December 29, 2017
Thursday, December 28, 2017
toy surgery
Every once in a while at my house we has a speshal day when we take my old, used up stuffed toys and cut them open to find new toys inside! The inside toys are evin bedder than the whole toys-you never know what's inside--squeekers, bottles, nubby balls, sometimes evin miniature toys!!!
It makes a big ole mess, and I ruv it!
so here is a public service announcement
You're welcome. Frum Percy.
Wednesday, December 27, 2017
For those of you that do not believe that Santy Paws brought me gifts-here is sum proof. I know I has been naughty lately, but I must has been nice more of the time.
I gotted a new cattypillar!!!!
and I got a new soft sided kennel, fit paws and a new travel water bottle too! Santy Paws ruvs me.
Merry Christmus evrybuddy!
Tuesday, December 26, 2017
mud bath
I am having such a hard time being a good boy lately. Today Mommy gived me a nice fresh bath. thin, when she wuzzed giving herself a bath, I goed outside in the freezing cold and thawed out myself a mud pit to roll in!
I comed inside and wallerd on the Christmas tree skirt and then tracked my mud prints all over the place.
Mommy wuzzed so not happy with me when she wuzzzed out of her bath.
She taked me right back in for annuder. And she was saying a lot of bad words. Good ting Santy Paws already commed with my gift!
Monday, December 25, 2017
Merry Christmas
Mommy was so happy that I pooped out the rock that she writed a liddle Holiday song about my experience. I hope you enjoy it. Turn your volume up.
Sunday, December 24, 2017
Merry Christmas Eve
I pooped out the rock on my own!! And I git to come home for Christmas! I feel all bedder and mommy bringed me home and sed she has a prize for me. You will never guess whut it wuz! I got a kitty!! My very own white kitty cat. Here she is!
Her name is Bronwyn and she needed a home becuz of a hurricane named Harvey. She is frum Texas. I ruv her already. She is a lot smelly tho. That's ok, so am I. I hope we can be best frinds.
Her name is Bronwyn and she needed a home becuz of a hurricane named Harvey. She is frum Texas. I ruv her already. She is a lot smelly tho. That's ok, so am I. I hope we can be best frinds.
Saturday, December 23, 2017
Sickly me
I steel did not eat and I am having diarrhea today, and I keep throwing up too. Mommy sed "Percy, we are going to the vet". I sed, "oh no". Thin she sed-you bedder not have eaten anudder rock. Thin she sed-maybe it wuz that raw meat you ate. I wunted to tell her that raw meat is gud for wolves, but she wasn't in a joking mood, so she loaded me up and off we went.
This is a pitcher of my insides... I dent evin has to smile while it wuz taken.
please ntestines start working and push this rock thru so I can go home soon. I miss Mommy.
This is a pitcher of my insides... I dent evin has to smile while it wuz taken.
and sure enough- the vet sed yes, I did eat anuddeer rock... and it is maybe stuck inside my ntestine. I has to stay in the hospital to make sure it will come out and I wont need a operation.. I'm not feeling gud at all and Mommy jest gived me a liddle kiss and sed she wud see me later. I had to have sum fur shaved and an IV in my leg. And I has to stay in this cold and lonely kennel. I'm crying up.
Friday, December 22, 2017
My tummy is sick
I throwed up today. And I dent want to eat my meals or evin my cranberry pills. Mommy sed, well, Percy, I bet your tummy IS sick-you eated a whole raw steak last night.
I jest rested all day.
Thursday, December 21, 2017
Tonight while Mommy wuzzed making dinner, I jumped up to the counter (in my very annoying way), and while she wuz not looking, I taked a piece of meat. A whole chunk of raw steak. I tended I wuzzed a wolf and I prowled out my own dinner in the wild. I started to swallow it and Mommy shrieked "PERCIVAL , what did you do? Where is the udder piece of meat?" "#)**&^*!#_%#$#^"
I gulped it down and sed I not doing a single ting Mommy, I jest sitting here watching you cook dinner. Thin she noticed and I tended like evryting wuz normal. I tried to tell Mommy that Asa or Max did it, but she knew bedder. She sed she shud give me a paddling, but she dent. She callt me a bad boy, That hurt worse than a paddling. I try to be good boy all the time.
I gulped it down and sed I not doing a single ting Mommy, I jest sitting here watching you cook dinner. Thin she noticed and I tended like evryting wuz normal. I tried to tell Mommy that Asa or Max did it, but she knew bedder. She sed she shud give me a paddling, but she dent. She callt me a bad boy, That hurt worse than a paddling. I try to be good boy all the time.
This is whut the recipe callt for...
and this is whut wuzzed left after I helped muself
Now I has a big ball of rawness in my tum tum. If Wolfs can eat it, so canz Percy!
I noticed a speshal gift under the tree for grouchy pants Asa. I tink I know whut it its! I tink it is a new Lambchop! From Santy Paws-jest like I asked for-he must have gotten my letter! I am so happy. I hope GPA will be happy too.
Wednesday, December 20, 2017
a very nice scene
Lookit whut me and mommy finded today... She telled me it is callt a Nativity.
I liked the animals and the people. Mommy sed "do not evin tink of lifting your leg Percy". She also sed we has to be sumtink callt reverent. So I jest sitted behind the people for a pitcher.
I liked the animals and the people. Mommy sed "do not evin tink of lifting your leg Percy". She also sed we has to be sumtink callt reverent. So I jest sitted behind the people for a pitcher.
Tuesday, December 19, 2017
pink lips
has you ever wundered whut color my lips are? well, here you go---they are pink with a liddle bit of black. they are very kissable I tink. my mommy agrees!
Monday, December 18, 2017
happy birtday to me!
Today I turned 2 years old. I has growed up so much. I tink I am very mature now. jest lookit me.
but thin, I did this... maybe I has not matured in the brain area, hee hee.
I'm still crazied up. Mommy taked me to the park to hunt sum hippities, so I did.
this year number 2 for me I earned 5 more AKC titles. and I had so miny good ventures. I know the next year will be jest as great as the first 2. I canz hardly wait!
Sunday, December 17, 2017
Happy Birtday Asa
Grouchy pants Asa is 13 today. that esplains why he is so grumpied up. Oldness=crabby. He was stalking me in this pitcher.. grrrrrr
I ruv you grouchy pants. Happy Birtday. I hope you have miny miny miny miny more. frum percy.
thin he got happy becuz we celebrated with some yummy canned food birthday cake
we evin singed him a nice song. he had to be held back from trying to eat it too soon.
Saturday, December 16, 2017
a liddle Holiday gathering
Today we hosted a party to celebrate the season. a lot of our Basset Hound club members came and we had a grate time togedder.
I got so many hugs and kisses frum people.
Happy Holidays frum Timberline Basset Hound Club!!!! 2017
Friday, December 15, 2017
Thursday, December 14, 2017
death of lambchop
I finally did it---I tore up Asa's favorit toy in the world! I killed "lamby". I wuzzed mad at grouchy pants becuzzed he wud not play with me, he wuzzed too busy taking a nap. So I sneaked his Lambchop out frum under him and tore him all up. I evin pulled out his squeeker! it wuz so citing.
but thin mommy commed in the room. She yelled out 'PEERCY! WHUT ARE YOU DOING TO LAMBY?" "Give that to me right now". mommy taked him away frum me. and callt me a bad boy.
I gave mommy the saddest most guilty face ever and tried to say sorry.
but thin mommy commed in the room. She yelled out 'PEERCY! WHUT ARE YOU DOING TO LAMBY?" "Give that to me right now". mommy taked him away frum me. and callt me a bad boy.
I gave mommy the saddest most guilty face ever and tried to say sorry.
but I rilly wuzzed not sorry at all. as a madder of fact, I evin tellt grouchy pants that I did it!
but grouchy pants lukked so lonely without his little lambchop. and thin he layed down around all of his favrit toys innerds, and jest stared at the big slaughter. I cried. I feeled so bad.
I tried to give Lamby back to grouchy pants.
all I rilly did wuz bite off one of his legs and take out sum stuffing and a squeeker.
but mommy sed he is ruined without his squeeker. oh no. I ruined him.
I has to ask santy paws to bring a new one for grouchy pants. I has to go now so I canz right him a letter.
Wednesday, December 13, 2017
black neck agin
I taked a long walk thru my nayborhood with mommy today. and guess whut? yes, I pulled a lot agin.
mommy sed "Percival, TAKE IT EASY!"
Right at that very moment I turned around and dragged mommy up a hill. here I am dragging. I was also making huffing sounds, prolly cuzzed I was gitting choked frum pulling.
I did not listen to mommy one bit. becuz I finded sumptink delishis! someone lost a loaf of bread!!
and I finded it!
before mommy evin knowed whut happened, I eated a whole slice.
here is a close up. it wuzzed all crusty and hard as a rock, but I eated it right down.
I was glad I eated it becuz we steel had a long way to go on our walk and I needed the inergy.
I gitted to tend I wuzzed a mountin goat agin. gud ting I eated that bread.
but I wuzzed steel tired win I gotted home, so I rested for one minute and 34 seconds.
my neck is all black agin, but I sure had fun!Tuesday, December 12, 2017
black neck
you might tink dis pitcher is just of me drinking sum water. but mommy taked it to show that my bad boy pulling habit still shows up frum 3 days ago. member our hike to the frozen lake? I pulled on my leash so hard the whole time that the metal connector on my leash and collar made a big black smudgie stain on my bootiful coat. canz you see it by my shoulder? mommy sez that me, Percy wuzzed a bad boy for pulling so much.
but I tink I member dat when we were hiking UPHILL she didn't mind me pulling a bit!
Monday, December 11, 2017
June in december
it is almost Christmas time, but mudder nature tinks it is still summer. it wuzzed almost 70 degrees today, so I sed yippeeeee and runned down a hill!!
if mudder nature can pretend it is June, thin I canz pretend I canz fly !
Sunday, December 10, 2017
togedder time
my mommy sed to me this morning, "hey Percy, let us go on a venture". I sed "yes, let us do". So, she putted on my collar with my Whistle on it so we cud track how far we walk. My Whistle telled us that we are starting our hike right here.
I canz luk very regal sumtimes. but thin the next second I luk like dis-----
mommy sed that we were going to hike up to a lake that might has ice instead of water. I wuzzed confused becuzzed I has never heared of such a ting.
I pulled and runned all the way to see the lake with ice. we hiked up a long hill. I ruv to eat ice so I wuz cited to see all the ice cubes in the lake. but when we gitted there this is whut I saw!
It wuzzed not ice cubes, but a big ole ice skating rink!! and I watched sum fish swimming under the ice and water. canz you see the fish in the water? thin we got to a very frozed up part of the lake and mommy taked my leash off and telled me to go try it out.
I tried to eat sum of the ice but I cud not bite into it, so I jest licked it. thin I got all crazied up and decided to roll and roll and roll! it felt nice and cold after the long hot hike.
do you see how happy my face wuz? I ruv the frozen lake. it is almost as fun as a water lake. but I don't tink we cud take our boat on the ice lake. thin I had a liddle photo shoot cuz I am so cute.
thin I made a sweet innocent face. mommy sed that wud not fool innyone cuz I em not innocent.
does this innocent face fool you? I tink I luk sad. so thin I maked a happy face agin!
I jumped on a ginormus rock so I cud see the whole frozen lake. I taked a gud luk.
canz you believe that I jumped up on this big rock. mommy jest shaked her head... but thin she sed "oh no Percy, how will you git down"? so, I showed her. I crawled right on down. I jest tended I wuzzed a mountain goat. I tink I mite be half mountain goat, maybe my grandpaw was a goaty.
on our hike back down I pulled so hard that mommy gitted a liddle bit mad at me. she telled me that if I did not stop pulling she might give me a liddle paddling. I knew she wud never paddle me, so I did not stop pulling.
here is whut my Whistle sed I did today.
that is a lot of miles! I ruv how it tells me nice work. but spending time hiking with my mommy is never work to me. it is fun fun fun. mommy sez that we do has sum work to do-learning me not to pull pull pull. that does not sound like fun fun fun. oh, and on our drive home we saw this guy!
it sure wuz a nice day to spend time togedder.
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