Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Happy Fat Day evrybuddy!

this is Marty Graw day and I has been eating like cazy!  my mommy sez that Marty Graw means Fat Toosday in French and since Basset Hounds originated in France and my mommy originated in New Orleans we are sellibrating!  do you like my mask??
lookit my marty graw beads!  mommy sez that I shudnt tell you what I did to git them  winky wink.
check out this coolest carnyval bead necklace ever in the whole intire world!!  it is me, Percy!!
mommy sez I can not wear these becuz I mite tew them up.  I tink "mite" is an understatemint!  hehehe
happy fat dat evrybuddy!

Monday, February 27, 2017

Percy RATO!

oh my goodness, I has a buzy weekend for sure!  I had to find sum rats for my mommy.  so I did.  there were too many rats in the barn so I had to tell my mommy where they were so we could clear them out.  darn vermits.  here I em working in the barn.
I jest know there are sum darn rats in here,  so I finded them and my mommy wuz so happy!
here is my mommy being so happy and proud win I telled her there wuzzed a rattie right here.
we worked togedder and ridded those barns of dem ratties.  and thin do you know whut?
me, Percy earned a new title!  I em now  a RATO!  Me, Percy is only the 8th Basset Hound ever to git this title!  mommy and everyone at the trial sez wow Percy, you are awesome!  gud job!
so we had our pitcher taken togedder.  we are a good team.
do you see those rosettes behind us?  we gotted first place twice!  we evin beated out those rat hunting dogs....lots of terriers.  heeheehee.  thin mommy sez Percy lets git your pitcher with your ribbons and 1, 2, 3...look happy Percy!  Smile!  So me, Percy looked happy and smiled all big.  see?
thin I getted to go for a long walk with my mommy to celebrate.  it wuzzed so fun.
whut a good Sunday!  I ruvved it so much.  so did my mommy!  and so did everyone else at the barn hunt trial! we all had such fun.  now I git to go on to the senior level.  it will be so fun!  I cannot wait.
now I know why my mommy wants to make a mold of my nose----it is priddy special all right.

Sunday, February 26, 2017

snout art

dis jest mite be the neatest ting I has ever seen.  my mommy is making a necklace pendit of my, Percy's snout!  first she has to take a mold of my nose.  see how well mannered I wuz?  evin tho it wuz cold and gooey I did not evin move a bit. my mommy showed it to me first and let me sniff it.
after I looked at it, she told me hold very still Percy, then she pressed it onto my cutest snout ever.
see, I did not move evin a liddle bit.

and jest like dat, it wuz done making my snout mold!  dunt I look all proud?  I is a good boy.
mommy iz happy with it but she makes funny and sez my snout mold looks like a piggy snout.
now she puts it in the mailbox and it will come back all silver and a pindint for mt mommy to wear!
I will show you whut it looks like when we get it back.  of course I tink it will be grate.

it wuz a fun time.

Saturday, February 25, 2017

the hair of my chinny chin chin

jest check this out!  I mite need to start shaving soon, cuzzed I'm growing a beard a liddle bit.
canz you see it???  let me zoom it in for you cuz it iz preddy cool!
oooh, I tink I'm growing a mousetash too!  hey, that pitcher of my snout jest reminded me of sumpting I wunt to share with you.  I will share it tomorrow. but today do you tink I shud shave?

Friday, February 24, 2017

dot to dot

does all my frindz remember doing connect the dots puzzlez?  my mommy sez dat me, Percy could be a puzzle with my ticking.  I make challenge to you for the best pattern on me by connecting my dots. 
my mommy did this puzzle and it turned out to be a Basset Hownd!
so.....connect my dots!

Thursday, February 23, 2017

take a note

hey evrybuddy I has to tell you to make a reminder to keep reading my bog.  not only cuzzed it is so grate, but also becuz there iz goink to be a neato bog coming in jest a cupple dayz.  I tink evrybuddy will really ruv it and smile bout it.  I know I iz smilink bout it while I m working on it!
so make yourselfs a reminder to keep reading!.  asa cannot spell so I em goink to write him a note to remind him to keep readink too. 
tank you.

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

i serve a purppose

most times win I m in my mommys lap she uses me for a prop up.  she sez dat I m a great tablit stand
                                                   she is right!  I do make a great prop up!

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

clouds in my coffee

there is a song that sez   "I had a dream there were clouds in my coffee, clouds in my coffee"  well here I em in my  mommys coffee!  but I'm not so vain...im jest me, Percy.

   by the way, do you notice that I em in a heart shape?  that's cuz I em so sweet, like sugar and cream.

Monday, February 20, 2017

Tally Ho

The Tally-Ho is a Basset Hound magazine.  so guess whut?  I em in it.  here is the magazine.

and here is me, Percy.  and Asa...but grouchy pants name is not spelt right and I tink it is so funny
                                                              ADA!  hehehehehehehe
pretty cool still tho, huh?

Sunday, February 19, 2017

my italian frind

do you know whut a Spinone Italiano is?  it is my new bestie....Enzo!  here he is.
I meeted him for the furst time today.  I tinked he maybe wuz a pony, but then he sez hello Percy.  I am a doggie too.  let me hug you, then lets play.  I sed yes, ok.  and we hugged hello.
me, Percy ruvs meeting new frinds.  and Enzo wuz a special one.  we kind of danced a liddle bit.

we has the same color, orange and white!!  and we ruff housed togedder too. and I bited Enzos ear.
thin we had a funny face contest.  who do you tink won??
dis is Cooper, he lives with Enzo, isn't he so great looking?  he is like grouchy old man Asa, black and white.  but Cooper is not grouchy at all.  we all had a pow wow togedder.
thin I sed to my Italian frind Enzo that I had to leave in my jeep and go to Percy class. bye bye.
we had a liddle kiss goodbye
I tink we'll be good buddies furever.  I tink I like Italian frinds.  and I specially tink I like his color. 
Enzo sez that we are BFFs , he puts his arm around me and sez bye bye buddy, Percy come agin soon
                                                                          oh I will!!

Saturday, February 18, 2017


oh gosh, jest lookit whut happened to my feathered bird frind Tallulah...she lost her head! YIPES
what the what??  I wuzzed all worrit about her when dis happened...
her head commed back out!  I tink maybe she is really a bird turtle... a birdle!!!  then she says
peekaboo Percy aaaraagghhh!

I went to her and sed dat not funny Tallulah.  I wuzzed all worrit that you were headless, like the horseman, ickybod crane.  hey isn't a crane a bird too? 

den I membered about sumptink me and mommy saw on a walk one day..i has idea.
                                             whut do you tink????  aaaraaagghh!

Friday, February 17, 2017

good day

lookit me all happy and playing with mommy at the park!  the angel pitcher worked! I smiling so big
it iz a good day and I jest know that everyday now on is gonna be a good day.  as long as I stay angel.

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Percy angel

i has been so bad mannered lately that i tinked i bedder remind mommy that me, Percy is steel really a angel.  So im wearing my light up halo and added sum nice hevinly wings.  For you mommy!
I promise I will try harder to be so good.
how cud she not forgive me??
keep your paws crossed, I will let you know how it goes.

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

spray monster

well I is in trubble agin.  for sum reason I cannot stop opening the trash can door and grubbing on sum garbage. I learnt how to opin the door all by my Percyself.  I goed to do it tonite and guess what?
there wuz that awful spray monster hanging there
I sneeked up and taked a sniff.  nutting happened.  but I know it mite give me the sneak attack.
so instead I did not open the door with my snout.  I jest goed to find sumptink else to do..
                                        I bringed in a big stick and pretended I has 2 tails!

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

bee my vowlentime

I sended my mommy sum cards to hope she will ruv me for her vowlentime.  It worked! we are all bedder now after I chewed up her eyes.  so maybe I cud ask you to also be my vowlentime?
well?  whut do you say?  how bout a kiss?
me, Percy ruvs you evrybuddy!!!

Monday, February 13, 2017

no eyes is bedder than this eye

oh no, I tinked my mommy cud has a zombie eye since I chewed hers all up, but win I went to show her her new eyeball this is whut has happened to it.
I cans not give her dis eyeball.  it has gotten all shriveled up now.  oh mommy wud not look preddy with this eyeball at all. 
I wll has to tink of sumpting else.  tomorrow is vowentimes day.  I will give her an I love you card frum me, percy.
keep your paws crossed.

sorry not sorry

I jest ruv gitting these tings callet glasses. they are always the best chew toy in the whole world! they make me so happy that I dent know why it makes mommy so mad.  usually when me, Percy is happy my mommy is happy too!  but not today.  she dent evin hardly lookit me all day.  here is how come.
me, Percy did this.  I tink maybe its the 4rth time I has done it. mommy telled me that these are her eyes and dat I chewed them up. my mommy did not pet me all day
and we dent go on iny walks or did innything fun at all. maybe becuz mommy duz not has eyes innymore.  I wunted to go to the park and show her about that eyeball I finded the other day member it?  here it iz agin.
but mommy sed no
percy, you are bad boy.

  so I moped around.

and around

and around
I guessed I em sorry afterall.  my mommy needs new eyeballs as soon as can be.
I tink I mite see if those zombie eyes are still available on my counter top.  sorry mommy.
love, me,

Sunday, February 12, 2017


don't you tink I look like 1/2 Percy and 1/2 alligator?
