Wednesday, May 31, 2017

trick doggie

since I gotted 2 new trick doggie titles frum the AKC, I wunt to git the TOP honor of trick dog performer!
I made a video of my performance and sum tricks.  check it out right here right now!

whut do you tink?  will I git the new title??  I hope so!!

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

black band

my mommy wented to the vet today and they sed she has to wear this around her arm to keep her safe
evin the site of it makes me screem out!  aauuugghhh, no playing agin today.

Monday, May 29, 2017

poor mommy

mommy told me yesterday wud not be fun for me.  it wuzzed not fun for her eider.  she falled down
her paw is hurted.  I feeled sad for her.  I feeled sad for me too--she can not ruffhouse with me today.
                                                              I jest laid around on the couch with her.
git better soon mommy, really really soon please.

Sunday, May 28, 2017

not a very fun day

my mommy goed hiking and fishing without me today.  I feeled all lonely.  she sed Percy you canz not go, it cud be danjerus.  she sed she wuz going to a canyon and I cud slip and fall and hurt meself.  so I stayed home.

I jest kinda laid around and feeled sad.
I tried evin sitting in mommys outside chair cuzzed it smelt like her.
it sure wuz a long boring day.

Saturday, May 27, 2017

i ruv my naybers heap

I gotted in sum more trubble today...I ran into my naybors backyard cuzz I know he has a compost pile.  for those of you who don't know whut that is, it is a big pile of heaven!!  smelly stuff, rotten food and stink!  I go there evry chance I git.  lookit whut I bringed home frum there today.
a punkin top frum last Halloween time!  mommy shouted Percy drop that right now!! that is yuck!
well, I tinked back to mommy, that is xactly why I wunt to has it!  lookit the inside-it has bugs and wormies and all kinds of decay.  if its gud for a gardin, it must be gud for me, Percy!

Friday, May 26, 2017

squeeky froggie

this is my favorite noise maker.  it is also the loudest, most ubnoxious toy I have.
I ruv it so much, but nobody else does and sumtimes it gits takin away frum me for being too loud.
I luk so cute holding it &  playing with it. I call him mr. green froggie. everyone else calls it awful.

Thursday, May 25, 2017

im wunted

                                               thanks Bark Box for sending a wunted poster....
now mommy made me wunted.  boo

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

mr. metal pinch

I heared a pinching sound tonight and turned around hoping it wuz my frind frum the lake!  it wuz not.  it wuzz jest mommy playing goofy with me.  bark bark bark.
but she sed that we might be going back to the lake this weekend and we can try to find mr pinch!

Tuesday, May 23, 2017


uh oh, something came over me and I chewed up 2 pens on my brand new bed. mommy wuz not glad

she sed Percy, that could hurt you and make you very sick.  and she taked my bed away to clean it.
thin she sed she wuz so glad I wuz ok. and told me to never do it agin.  I sed I wud not, and taked a nap on my clean bed, I evin folded it over to show mommy I em going to protect it and keep it clean
I thinked about it while I falled all to sleep.

Monday, May 22, 2017

copycat max

I canznot believe it.  max is trying to be me!!!! 
here is me.......
and here is that big ole copycat old man Max.... 
so tell me..........who wore it better?

Sunday, May 21, 2017

trick doggy

all my hard training work is paying off---I gitted 2 more kennel club titles frum the American Club.
I am an advanced trick dog!  I am working on making a movie to hope fully git performer trick dog title soon.  it is hard work, but I em tryink my best.
learning makes me happy!

Saturday, May 20, 2017

mudder natures ice cubes

the sunnyshine commed out today and the snow went away, melted away, very fast.  I had to git outside before it wuz all gone and have sum of the remains of the big storm.  oh its so sweet!!

Friday, May 19, 2017

still snowing today

I has sumpting mommy callz cabin fever.  I dunt feel sick at all, but I like her treatment for the fever!
we goed to the park togedder and runned in the snowy storm!  lookit me going down my favorite hill!
it wuz kinda cold but my running keeped me warm. 

I had such a good time! 

sumptimes my ears git in my way of seeing.  but that does not slow me down at all.
cuz they always move out of my way agin. 

I injoyed the snow cuz it mite be the last of the white stuff til Christmas.
I wunt this to be our Christmas tree!!!

Thursday, May 18, 2017

snowy day

mommy wuzzzed right-it commed a big snow storm dis morning.  I wuzzed so wooriet abouot my ladybug frinds. do you member their luv nest in my cherry tree frum yesterday?  here  is my cherry tree   today...OH NO. I lukked up and called out helloooooo bug pals, are you ok? 
nobuggy answered  at all.  but mommy sed its ok Percy, they are seeking sum shelter under the bark.  so I barked!!     and thin I sed... where are they mommy?  I dont see them under  the bark. 
thin I grinned all big becuz I tink I em so funny sumtimes!
and I smirked too.  gosh I tink I shud has my own funny show.

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

snow is coming agin

I canznot believe that summertime is almost here and that snow is coming back tomorrow.  today mommy sed come on boyz, we have sum yard work to do before dat white stuff comes soon. we all went outside to help but it wuz so nice  that me and grouchy pants Asa and old man Max just fell asleep instead.
I tried to git up and go where mommy wuz working to help her, but I jest falled to sleep agin.
I did gard the leaf pile tho.

thin we saw this!!!!
and mommy cud not cut down that branch.  she sed that if she did it wud result in less ladbugs being borned.  I dent understand, but she cut down anudder branch and I helped her carry it off.
after I chewed it for a bit.
we are ready for the snow.

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

my body pillow

I gotted in sum trubble dis morning.  I wrecked grouchy pants Asa's bed to turn it into a body pillow for me.  mommy wuzzed not happy.  neidder wuzzed MR. PANTS.  but I liked it.

I like it evin more whin momy commed home with a brand new comfy bed!!!!  ahhhhh

Monday, May 15, 2017

hippity hunt judge

do you see whut me and grouchy pants Asa are watching out the frunt door?  yes, hippities.  we wud ruv to go out and hunt them.  but mommy dent let us.
but mommy spended all day Saturday at a class to learn how to judge doggies hunting hippities.  now she canz teech me and grouchy pants! 

Sunday, May 14, 2017

Mudders Day

wowee!  today is a speshil day and me and mommy goed way up high in the sky togedder!  we took a trip to sumptink callt Pikes Peak.  it iz a tall mountin and we cud see forever and ever.
we were higher than the clouds in the sky

it smellt so gud up there and there wuz evin sum snow!
                                                      I runned and played, and evin went pp.
happy Mudders day mommy!!
                                                                                I ruv you!!!!!!!!

Saturday, May 13, 2017

i tarving

jest lookit whut I has to deel with tonight.  Olibia eated a yummy peece of pizza in frunt of me.
I did not evin get one scrap.  I haz to eat liddle peeces of dry kibble.  but I dreemed I wuz eating pizza
                                                              it wuz a happy dreem.

Friday, May 12, 2017

Ms. Feathered Pinch

well, I cud not fit in Mr. Pinches fish tank to play, so I decided to play with my frind Ms. Pinch.
this is her, I has told you about her before.  her name is Tallulah.  I also call her screech beak.  you canz not believe the noise such a small creature canz make.  it makes me howl out.  but innyway, I like to watch her and I try to play but she puts her beak at me and I know it canz pinch.  so I dunt get too close.  she is sumptink callt a bird.  she duz not has ears at all.  I tink dat is why she is so loud.  like old people who canz not hear innymore..they talk reel loud.  I wish ms. feathered pinch haz ears.
eeeyok eeeyok eeeyok eeeyok eeeeyok eeeeyok eeeyok eeeyok eeeyok eeeyok. that is whut she sez

Thursday, May 11, 2017

ready to play with my mr. pinch ( BLUE)

mommy sed I need to tect my ears if I wunt to play with my own mr. pinch.  I sed "oh I know it", cuz I member how the real mr. pinch clamped  my ear.  I em wearing my giraffe snood and I em ready!
I sez "ok, please bring me my frind now"

I waited and waited.  but Blue never commed.  thin mommy sed "Percy, if you wunt to play with Blue you has to git in his fish tank becuz Blue cannzot come out of the water to play with you".
since I dunt tink I wud fit in Blues lake tank, I decided to stare at a cinnamon roll instead.
I tink I look like the cinnamon roll, do you tink so too?

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

my own mr. pinch!!

I got a big serprize today-mommy got me my own mr. pinch!  he can not share my bed tho. His bed is in the fish tank. he has to live in water with my udder fishy frinds.  here he is.  we call him "Blue".  becuz he iz blue.  he doesn't has any toys and I have not seen him play run and chase with his frinds.
he is very interesting and I like to watch him frum outside of his world.   he watches me too.  maybe sum day mr. blue pinch canz come out and we can play togedder.  I will jest has to wear a snood.

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

mr. pinch wish

i made a wish this morning on a danny lion and blowed off the seeds.  i wished that mr. pinch is ok.  do you see my snout?  it has danny lion seedlinks all over it.  i sure wished hard as i canned. 
        mommy sez she has a gud idea to help me feel bedder about mr. pinch.

Monday, May 8, 2017

flowerz for happy times

today we gotted to do sumtink fun for sure!  we goed to the home depot to choose out a flower.  i helped mommy pick it. 
                                         whut a tuff decision.  i tinked they were all so nice.
i liked these.  they made me happy.  and so did this next thing!! 
i rode on the low cart!!!!!!   whut a hap hap happy day! 
oopsie.  i jest noticed that there is sum writing that sez "do not ride on" 
oh, me, Percy, is such a lucky doggie. has you ever ridden on one of these??