Friday, June 30, 2017


dis ting behind me is callt a windymill.  it wuznt windy at all and I dent know whut a mill is. 

I steel smiled cuz it makes a cool background.

Thursday, June 29, 2017


I axidently chewed up sum human toothpaste. it tasted like nutting I ever has before. I tinked I liked it
I taked it right out of the box and everyting!  it wuzzed brand new, jest frum the store.
I turnt it into a play dog fuzzy pumper! I wuzzed so proud.  but mommy wuzzed not. she sed bad boy.

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

budderfly frind

do you see me at the top of the hill?  mommy sed Percy, come and lookit this  bootifull budderfly on the flower, hurry, quick!
she wuzzed sayink oh, wow, is she preddy!
so, I runned there as fast as I canned... but by the time I gitted there, she flied all away. I guessed I was too noisy, and mommy sed I wuzzed too nosey too.
all I gitted to see wuzzed a big ole thorny thistle.  but it is preddy color uf perple.  member to injoy the flowerz!

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

goody goody gumdrops!!!

you all know bout the bark box, right?  it is our speshul prize that comes evry month, full of toys and treats.  they liked a pitcher of me, Percy, so they sed they are sinding out sum swag!!! here is my box!
I canz not wait to git it!  I will let you know whut is inside of it win it arrives!  tank you bark box!

Monday, June 26, 2017

difficult choice

I getted a new toy today and it is a hat that scrunches and squeeks.  but Maxs tail scrunches and squeeks too.  I cud not decide which I wanted to play with more.  So I played with both.


oh I em so cited!  me and mommy are going to see a famus doggy lady and take her class togedder!
I hope we  both git conditioned! 

Sunday, June 25, 2017

me and my sidder

member my sidder in Forida?  Poppy?  she is crazy like me.  we do sum of the same tings evin tho we don't know it.  here is a xample.  hee hee we are so goofy togedder.  member my mick jagger mouth?
well, here is my sidder crazy gurl Poppy!
I also tink it is crazy cuz we both have weave poles in our baxkgrounds!  I ruv you sidder!!!

Saturday, June 24, 2017

ear ends

me and mommy runned sum ear ends togedder today.  furst we goed to Home Depot.  I wuz a liddle board so I helped myself to sum rope in a package.
mommy sed no no Percy, put that back.  it is not a doggy toy.  I jest laughed and smiled.
thin we had to go to Lowes.  mommy saw a tape measure on the ground and sed oh Percy. lets do it
I em over 4 feet long! 
thin we had to go to Pets Mart to git me a new doggy tag for my coller.  I made a new frind.
This is Wally!!
I evin pointed out the fact that Wally wuzzed on sale.  but mommy sed no.  darn it all.
so we jest wint and gotted me a new tag fer my coller.  watch this!  it wuz so cool.
I had sum fun today.  I tink mommy did too!  we has gud times togedder.  mommy laufs at me lots.

Friday, June 23, 2017

Mick Jagger look-a-like

                                                                            nuff said

Thursday, June 22, 2017

tired frinds

me and Asa made a big chew up mess togedder.  well, not rilly, I wuzzed the only one who made the big chew up mess.  but we are both tired cuzzed of it.  I ruv sleeping with frinds and chew up messes.

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

nosey me

I wuzzed wundering whut happins behind closed doors.  oops, now I know. soory lady shopper.

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

shadow wok

me and mommy and me and my shadow and me and mommys shadow. 
all 4 of us taked a wok tonight. 

Monday, June 19, 2017

i ruv summertime

I ruv evryting bout summer.  summertimes I jest take a liddle extra time to smell the flowers! you shud too.  and remember that Percy ruvs you too.

Sunday, June 18, 2017

lucky danny lion

do you recall last year win I made the special wish on the danny lion?  and it commed true, that is why I git to bog everyday.  cuz I made that wish!  I finded one today and I tried to make a wish, but I canznt tink of a single ting I want!  I has such good life!!!!
                                                            so I jest wokked on passed.

Saturday, June 17, 2017

a great new hood

me and mommy goed on a long wok in a place called liddletun.  it wuzzed sorta hot and there were lots of flying pests.  I tink I like cassle rok bedder, but we sure has good time in liddletun. We scovered a wadder falls.  I liked to stare at it. 

mommy keeped saying Percy look at me, look, smile.  so I finely did.   My tung was wagging.

the sun made lots of preddy light.  I tink I look like I'm in a angel land.
I smiled  a liddle bit.

there wuzzed a nice bench for me to rest on win I getted tired.
I made a Fozie face.
bye bye liddletun, it wuz nice to take a wok with you!

Friday, June 16, 2017

graffe snood

since everyone always sez I has such long neck I luk like a graffe, mommy ordered me a special snood.  if you do not know, a snood is sumptink dat goes around my neck and holds my long ears in so they do not git dirty and wet.  I only wear mine to doggie shows.  but today I wunted to wear it to the park.
and gess whut?  those angry birds did not evin bodder me at all.  they must have thinked I am real graffe!!  Now if I cud ride my magic grass carpet while I wear my snood I cud has big venture!

Thursday, June 15, 2017

Mr. Pie in the sky, agin

jest lookit who wuzzed waiting for me at the park--mr. pie!  I cud hear him as soon as we left our house  CAW CAW CAW CAW.. he sounded like an angry bird.  we cided to go innyways and go to a diffrint place and hope he wud not notice.  He noticed....and he brought a find. 
He screemed CAW at me and I spun around to lookit him.  Thin before I knowed it his frind wuzzed overhead-do you see him in the upper left side?  Thankfully I did not get dive bombed today, jest CAWed at a lot. mommy sez come on Percy lets hot foot it out of here.  I wundered hows come her foot wuzzed hot, cuzzed mine was not.  We goed to anudder area by our selfs. 
and we finded this big digged hole. at furst I tinked that it wuzzed a grave those angry birds digged for me and mommy and dat they might come peck those big holes in our heads. 
mommy sed, oh no, Percy it is ok.  sum workers digged that hole to fix some pipes, she sed come here and look in.  I was scaret at furst, but win I lukked in this is all I saw.
mommy wuzzed right -- thank you workers... I liked to stand on the piece of grass with the ground still attached.  I standed there for a while cuzzed it wuz cool and squishy.  I tended it wuz my flying carpet!!  I has such good magination. 

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

my fish frinds

we taked a trip to a big fish tank place today and mommy sed, git up there Percy and look at those big fish frinds!  She helped me git up and jest lookit whut I saw! 
I tried to give my profile face so you can see that I kind of a liddle bit luk like one of them!
Happy swimming frinds!  Thin I gotted to go outside and sit in a big wood chair.  mommy callt it an ader ron dack chair.  I wonder who ader ron is and how come this chair is named after him.  it dusnt madder, thank you mr. Dack for a nice comfy chair to sit in!

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

After bath shuffle

I has a bath today and all that water in my fur makes me do the shuffle!  Do you do the shuffle after your bath too?

Monday, June 12, 2017

yellow sticky

I tinked dis wuz doggy treats or doggy food cuzzed that's whut it says it it.  Mommy made me spit it out and sed no, no,  Percy, if you eat that I will forget to get you those things on the list.  Oh, I dent knowed that's what it wuzzed for.  I glad I dent swallow the list.  I wanted to  tho, lists taste good.

Sunday, June 11, 2017

my therapee

tonight on our wok I peed so miny times!  evrytime mommy tried take a pitcher of me I wuzzed going peepee. I jest grinned and laughed. 
I thought it wuz funny.  I will share sum of the times with you below.   heeheehee

it sure wuz a good wok!  try it yourself!  its gud therapee. 

Saturday, June 10, 2017

Mr. Pie in the sky

this morning on my wok I keeped hearing CAW CAW CAW CAW!!  mommy sed Percy look up there is a big maggiepie in that tree.  isn't he preddy?
I lukked up and saw this gigantuous  Maggiepie. he wuzzed preddy all right.  he also wuzzed as big as me, Percy.  and he wuzzed screaming CAWCAWCAWCAW at me.  I wundered  why. So I gave him a bark.  thin mommy sed Percy, look out!! and that bad birdie flied at me and tried  to tack me.  I ran for my life as fast as I cud and he flied right by me.  whew.
I stopped and lukked for him. 

I spied him sidding in anudder tree so I went to ask him why he wuzzed so mad at me.
                                        but he starded to fly right at me and wuzzed still  screeming CAW CAWCAWCAWCAWCAWCAWCAWCAW. and mommy yelled out  "come on Percy lets git outta here, that maggiepie  must has a nest nearby. RUN!"  I tinked for a second that lukking for his nest would be fun, but mommy wuzzed running so fast that I decided to go with her instead! also cuzzed she telled me that he cud peck a hole in my head.  YIKES!  we runned far and fast.   Mr. Pie did not follow us home thank goodness.  I dent wunt a hole pecked into my head.  bad Mr. Pie.

Friday, June 9, 2017

this is so grody

This wad of yuck commed out of Grouchy Pants ASA's belly button. 
I tink it has hair, lettuce and maybe a small bug shell.  my belly button is always fresh and clean.
                                                                        Gross Asa.

Thursday, June 8, 2017

green squeeky froggy

this is my very favorite toy.  Mommy sez it jest so happins to also be the very most  ubnoxious toy in the whole wide world.  win I bite it is says SQEEKY SQEEKY SQEEKY.  It makes Tallulah my parrot frind shreek all loud and mommy sez "oh that awful noise hurts my ears". she means my toy, not the birdie.    thin she sez "lets put it away for awhile" 
I wish she wud put Tallulah away for a while instead.

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

I grinned to win!!

there is a doggie store in Castle Rock callt Chuck and Dons.  they had a pitcher contest and mommy made me a contestant .  the store callt mommy today and telled her that my pitcher WINNED!!!!  here it is
I tink I winned becuzzed I em grinning so nice.  and the fact that I em so gud looking too.  I winned a gift card to the store and I also winned sum money for a kitty cat sharity!  mommy gotted to pick the sharity (you dent tink I picked a kitty cat one did you?)  oh and my pitcher is also going to a America wide contest of all the store winners.  my paws are crossed.  cross yours too! and keep on grinning!