Saturday, September 30, 2017

open space in my nayborhood

me and mommy finded this cool area right here in cassle rock.  it is callt Memem ridge.
it is very priddy and we were all alone walking on sum trails.  I has to stay on my leash becuz mommy sed that she wasn't fimilier with the area.  and, there might be raddlesnakes.  eek.
but mommy sez I can come off my leash for stay pictures.  bucuz she stays "Percy, stay"
                                                                  So I do.
                                                  I did paws on and stay for that pitcher.  
                                         this is me coming to mommy win she sez "Percy, come!"
                                                   I has a good time on our walk today.
don't I look small in that pitcher?  it looks like we were in a big ole jungle.  but we weren't.  

Friday, September 29, 2017

nite time hunting

One of my favrit tings to do is hunt whin the sun is gone.  I hunt mostly for wormies.  espeshally after it rains.  but at this time of year it is gitting colder and the rats are out.  so here I em hunting ratties.
olvia helps me with her phone light.  sumtimes I find sum.

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Asa guard

Lookit grouchy pants Asa.  He has taken my cattypiller for his own and now he is garding him against me.
Rilly mr. pants--that is my cattypiller. I wunt to take his lammychop but he is giving me this mad face
                                                     ok grouchy, I will share.  this time.

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Lazy afternoon

Fall time weather is nice.  I injoy these dog days of summer.  Do you see the leaves on the ground?

they falled frum my big tree.  Sumtimes I like to look up and watch them fall.
and I find jest staring at them on the ground is very relaxing.  fall is nice.

Monday, September 25, 2017

rubber shoes

I jest had to try these shoes on.  evrytime they go on mommys feet she goes outside and has some fun play time!  it dent work for me...
I jest sitted here lukking like I em wearing ugly shoes, there wuzzed no fun play time.  
I cud not evin wok.   

Sunday, September 24, 2017

the good ole days

I em trying to relive the great times I shared with my cattypiller before I teared him all up.  I still have him but he is about half empty now.  I em going to ask santy paws to bring me a new  one for Christmas.  I bedder start being a good boy.  I sure miss the good ole days.

Saturday, September 23, 2017

Fall time

Today we goed to the Mountins to see the leafs changing.  I dent knowed whut they were changing in to, but I sure had a fun time.
it wuz cold and mommy sed it wuz blustery.  I tinked it was cold and ghostily
I looked all around to see the leaves changing.
I can't figure out whut all the citement is about.  the leaves are still jest leaves.

but thin I seed this--the leafs changed color to yellow!  that's whut they changed in to. 
preddy cool, don't you tink so too?

Friday, September 22, 2017

a liddle hike

me and mommy goed to castlewood canyin near our house and we saw sum cool tings.  this is an old homestead.  I goed inside it and pretended like I lived there.

then I posed all handsome for this pitcher! we hiked all around and there wuzzed so much to look at.

but then I finded sumwhere that I rilly wunted to go but mommy sed we cud not.  it wuzzed off limits and a sign sed do not inter.  that made me wunt to inter that area evin more.  I jest standed there wishing I cud go in that area.

up in the sky sum planes crossed paths and made an X.
mommy sed Percy, sit right here and I will git it in the sky in the background of your sweet face.
                                                           She did it!  
I evin smiled for the great pitcher.  it wuzzed a hot day and we taked lots of rests.

tomorrow we are going to the mountains and mommy sez it will be much colder and rainy evin.

Thursday, September 21, 2017

yard werk

it is almost October witch  means soon it will be snowing.  but until thin, we still has dannylions growing in our yard so we has to keep werking to pull them up.  I like to help.

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

mommy is not funny

my mommy showed me this package and sed that win we start doing barn hunt agin she is going to git these for me to wear so I don't goo peepee in the barn.  she sed lookit Percy, it evin has a doggie that looks like you...
I did not tink it wuzzed funny at all.  I hope she is not being seryis.

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

out of my mind

I tink I had an out of my mind experience.  all of a sudden I wuzzed tearing up my favrit cattypiller.

mommy startled me back to my good mind whenned she sed PERCY!! WHAT ON EARTH ARE YOU DOING?????
I sed "huh"?  oh my gosh whut has gottin in to me?
I teared up my toy.  I canz not believe it.  my cattypiller is half stroyed now.  I so sorry liddle toy.

Monday, September 18, 2017

i made a funny movie

                                                    I hope you like it.  here it is.  giddyup.

Sunday, September 17, 2017

canz you see me?

this really is me, not my brudder, but I em trying to blend in with my ticking on this camofage bed.  I cant evin see me.  canz you see me?
I jest look like a bunch of orange and brown leaves that fall off the trees at this time of year.

Saturday, September 16, 2017

me and old man

Old man Max is getting older by the day.  I feel sad that he is so old.  So we shared a bed for a nap

I taked up most of the bed, but I dent mean to.  grouchy pants Asa wasn't evin jelis of us.  he wuzzed too busy being his grouchy pants self.  all by his grouchy pants self.

Friday, September 15, 2017

me, not me

                                                        here I em with my cute liddle face!
                                                   and here I em agin with my cute liddle face.

well....THAT IS NOT ME, Percy!
that is my very cute liddle brudder, Alan! 
I tricked you becuz trick or treat is coming up.
so now give me a treat!  heehee

Thursday, September 14, 2017

photo shoot

do you member win I goed to the workshop with kyra sundance?  well, sum pitchers of me and mommy are on the enternet!  I ruv them- I tink I luk so hansum with that blue color behind my orange color.

this wuzzed me learning to nose.  I learnt it good.

here is me and my new frinds on our pedistils.

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

kamping bubbles

win we were kamping I gotted to do sumtink so fun--I gotted to chase bubbles in the mountains!
I like to try to lick them

but win I do, I say yish, it tastes like soap.  spit spit spit.  but I canz not spit becuzzed my lips cant do that shape.  so I jest go "eccckkkkk"

thin I keeped my lips closed tight so I do not has to taste it agin.

I wunt to go back kamping agin soon.

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

a liddle visitor during breakfast

Jazzbar jumped over the gate and watched us all has our breakfast this morning.  she is so crazy.  she is lucky that we were all too busy eating to not notice her.  she duz not like us so we chase her and she runs away.  she sez nonny nonny non non. we never evin git close to catching her.

Monday, September 11, 2017

happy tails to you

                              jest guess whut wuzzed in these bushes......

Sunday, September 10, 2017

basset hound picnic

I gotted to go to a Basset Hound club picnic today and anudder rally training class.  it wuzzed so much fun!  my frinds were there and we celebrated Almondines birdday with a yummy cake.  we had sum fun with the agility tunnel too.  weeeee.  me and mommy did a liddle trick demonstration first.
                            I do like to do demonstrations.  thin we gotted to do sum weave poles.

and the super fun tunnel!  it reminds me of hunting ratties.

I evin finded a tree stump shaped like a heart for me and my mommy!

here is our cake.
                                                            happy birthday Almondine

whut a fun day!