Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Happy Howloween

I goed on a very spooky venture yesterday to take sum cool ghost pitchers for Halloween.  me and mommy visited a cementery!  I has never been to one before and mommy sed Percy, you canz not go pee pee inywhere in this place.  We must be respectful and quiet.  So we sneaked around and jest taked sum fast pitchers of me with sum toomstones for effect.

but, thin this creepy ting happened.  after we moved spots for our photo shoot, mommy sed oh no Percy, I losted my glasses in the first spot, we has to go back and find them.  So we drived back and mommy gitted out to luk for her glasses.  suddenly she runned back to the jeep and sed jeepers Percy, we has to git outta here in a hurry-there is a real ghost here!  she telled me that under the tree where we had jest been, wuzzed now a pair of empty sneakers!  she sed they were not there 3 minutes ago.  I yipped out GULP.    DRIVE FAST MOMMY, I EM SO FRITENED!.  we got home safely and I tried not to tink about the sneaks innymore.  but deep inside I always has been scart of zombies!  it wuzzed one, I jest know it.  I hope Halloween goes away for anuuder year and we are all safe and unscart.  me, Percy duz not like feeling scart..  so go away hallyween.

innyway, the cementery wuzzed a very interesting place, it has a lot of memories for people.

here is one pitcher of a really sad grave of a liddle hooman baby...  it is so old...

sum more pitchers of me being a ghost.

I wuzzed so cited to be a ghost for howlloween, but my ghost costume wuzzed a lil bit shredded.  so mommy sed, well Pery, we has to do sumtink callt improvise.  this is our improvising!

I becummed a mummy !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

mommy sez Percy, you are such a gud sport.  I ruv u so much !!
                                                                         I wuv u too mommy.

Monday, October 30, 2017

my jack o lantern

do you member win I choosed my punkin?  Well, tonight my mommy carved it up for me.  here it is!

I tink it turned out so neato.  do you notice that her eyes are doggie paws?  And her mouth is a doggy bone?  And her nose is a heart?  
We lighted it up with a candle and it is ready for decorating outside tomorrow.

here are all of our punkins.  Which is your favorite?

My favrit is the one that dint git carved...cuzzed I helped myself to eating it up.

nom nom nom.

mommy sez I wont have a feel good tummy tonight because I eated raw punkin.  it wuzzed so good.

Sunday, October 29, 2017

bad max

evrytime mommy gives old man max a treat he snapps and sumtimes bites her fingers.  mommy always sez "bad max, don't snap"  but he duz innyways.  so we taked this funny pitcher to pretend that max bited mommys fingers right off!  he is evin licking his lips!  I tink dis is so funny.

poor mommys fingers.  and innyone else who tries to give max a treat.

Saturday, October 28, 2017

pracktising hunting

I em entered in a rabbit hunting performance test in one week, so I has gotted to pracktise alot

I hope I git the chance to show the judges that I em such a good hunting Percy.  wish me luck!
                                                                              Tally Ho!!!!

Friday, October 27, 2017

one kool doggie

                                                                       nuff sed.

Thursday, October 26, 2017

nice view from up high

our hike up the rock today wuz so preddy.  there are still some nice fall colors and I like to luk at them.
whoa, its a long way down...

I sure has a lot of good ventures, dont you agree?

 I'm living on the edge!!  gud ting mommy keeped my leash on.  it makes me feel safe and mommy sez it helps her too, cuz I pull a lot and sumtimes my pulling gives her extra energy on the uphill
I dent see inny lizards today.

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

can you hear me?

I can sure hear you, cuz my ears are always so clean.  you can see for yourself in this pitcher!

the inside of my ear is pink like a little piggy.

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

birds eye view

I has the best seat in the house win it comes to watching whut goes on in the frunt yard.  I jest git in this nice chair and take a peek.  sumtimes I evin bark at people and dogs and hippities and innyting else that I feel like barking at.

Monday, October 23, 2017

me and my shadow

here we are, me and my shadow.  I cant decide which one of us is cooler.  whut do you think?

Sunday, October 22, 2017

punkin patch

Here are our punkins for Hallyween decorating this year.  mommy evin got me my own.  she telled me to choose which one I wunt to call my own.

I sed awwwwww shucks.  

I smelled them all and tasted this one and sed, ok, I wunt this one!

maybe hallyween is not so bad after all.  punkins are nice enough.  

Saturday, October 21, 2017

bye bye leafs

almost all of the leafs have fallen for winter.  mommy sed, "go sit in the leafs Percy, you will luk so nice"  so I did.  and luk, I do luk so nice!  mommy sed "smile Percy".  instead I sed "well hello there."
thin I gived her a big ol smile

this next pitcher is funny-mommy sez it luks like I have the mumps....whatever the mumps are.  I was in the start of a bark.  not having mumps.
I do luk grate in the leaves, huh?  Fall time is a gud looking time.

Friday, October 20, 2017

me and mommy day

today we went on a nice venture to a place callt Garden of the Gods.  it is not to far away frum our house but it luks like it is a difrent world.  evryting there is red, even the dirt.  I turned red too!

some people were climbing the rocks way up high.  we sat down to watch.
thin we did a liddle climbing too

see us?

I meted this guy and tried to say hello, but he was all grumpy

so we keeped on walking and sploring.

we saw the the rocks callt the kissing camels.  I tinked it kind of lukked like turtles. lookit the very top.
resting in the shade wuzzed so nice.  the views are so nice too.

we had a grate day togedder.  

Thursday, October 19, 2017


no, that does not stand for grade point average... GPA stands for grouchy pants asa.  here is me and my grumpy frind.  he has axilly been much nicer to me lately.  we play togedder and have howl fests.

I bet that you did not know that my frind used to be a show dog!  he was a gud one too.  
maybe he canz teach me soon.

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

show dog

I tink I am growing in to sumtink mommy calls a show dog.  I has sure gotten bigger and I tink I am a nice lukking Basset Hound.  mommy sez, "oh, Percy, you are coming so handsum", "you luk jest like a doggie in the show ring".  

I agree !!
hey, do you think the show ring allows kitchen towels??

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

anudder movie

I em sharing this liddle video cuzzed it makes me proud of my hiding spot.  it is the best spot ever.  nobody ever knows that I hide my tings there.  jest me and mommy know...  bit if you watch the lidddle video you will know too.  so peas don't tell innyone, specially old man Max.  turn up your volume too.

Monday, October 16, 2017

wagging tails

usually I jest sit in my chair and watch the squirrels gathering nuts for the winter.  I am not made for hunting them.  so I rilly don't care much about them.  here I em lukking at one.  canz you see him at the tree bottom?  I tinked for a minute that he might go do the weave poles, haha.  but squirrels are not very smart, like me.

thin mommy sed, that I shud go git him cuzzed he wuz eating all of the bird fud. 
so, I chased him right up the tree.  and we wagged our tails at each udder.  my wagging tail wuzzed telling him to stop eating the birdie seed.  his wagging tail wuzzed saying no.

Sunday, October 15, 2017

let me thru

Well, I gotted in a liddle trubble agin.  I bashed through the gate trying to git to mommy win she gotted home frum work.  I wus so cited to see her and I wunted to jump on her and give her a big welcome home kiss.  but I jumped on the gate instead.  it broke all down.

I evin broke down a peace of the wall, do you see it hanging off?   I turned around and lukked at mommy with my cute smile and sed oopsie...

mommy sed "Percy, you are a notty boy, but how can I git extra mad at that sweet face." still, I tink I did hear her saying sum bad words cuzzed it taked her a very long time to fix the gate back up.

Saturday, October 14, 2017

i am disturbed

This is so worrysum to me.  whut is it for?  why would this happen?  sumbuddy is wearing a rubber doggy face over their own hooman head.  I canz not figure out why this is evin an option.

and do you see whut I see in the backgrownd?  zombies and scary tings.  
I steel don't like Hallyween.

Friday, October 13, 2017

Sum fryday the 13th digging

today is a spooky day.  it is callt Friday the 13th.  becuz it is a Friday and the calinder says 13.  mommy sez to look out for black cats on days like today.  she sed it is a bad luck day for sum reesun.  but today I had gud luck, cuzzed I wuzzed digging and mommy dint evin tell me to stop.  usually she sez "Percival, stop that digging right now!".  but today she jest took this liddle movie of my strange digging behavior.  (that is whut mommy calls it).  I hope your volume is up cuz I ruv the scratching noises my claws make.

Thursday, October 12, 2017

I ate a big prize

mommy sez I did a bad ting.  I eated a $50,000.00 Cheeto off the counter. There is a speshial Hallyween contest to find a cheeto that luks like a monster.  Mommy finded a grate cheeto that luked jest like a mummy.  But I eated it right off the counter.

I wuzzed preddy yummy, it did not taste like a mummy at all.

mommy wuz not happy at all.  sorry mommy, sorry

Maybe my cute face will be discovered sumday and make the $50,000.00 that I jest eated.

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

elefunt ears

did you know that Basset Hounds can move our ears to which ever way the sound is coming from?
Here I em doing it.  I tink elefunts can do it too.
mommy wuzzed calling me from that direction saying it wuzzed time to come inside.  I sed "hark" and turned my ear to be like a lisening horn.

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

i finded a new spot

we has a liddle pluming problem so Phil wuzzzed working under the sink.  As soon as he leaved I had to go has a look around under here.
but I has growed so big I cud not evin fit all the way.  innyways it wuz not that cool.  

Monday, October 9, 2017


Mommy wuzzed right.  it is winter today.  I steel wunt to play so I taked her kitchen towel outside.

and I givved her this cute face.  so she chased me, but I ran back inside and hid behind grouchy pants
I evin closed my eyes so mommy cant see me.  BUt black and white told her I wuzzed there.  So I had to give up the towel.   I goed back outside and runned thru the snow.  It is fun, but I gitted cold.

Time for a toasty nap on the couch by the fire.  
evin old man is sleeping in frunt of the fire.  
Tomorrow it will be warm and sunny agin.