I wuzzed watching mommy going away frum me down the hall and wuzzed tired so I rested my head on the gate. but it turns out this is a fritnink pitcher-it luks like a Percy zombie head floating with monster eyes. I scaret myself.
Thursday, November 30, 2017
Wednesday, November 29, 2017
Tuesday, November 28, 2017
a tree with lots of hangy tings
you member how mommy always sez to me not to bring sticks in the house? well, we are right now working on decorating the biggest stick ever--inside the house... I em a liddle confoosed. but I steel like to help so I em sniffing out sum nice hangy tings for mmommy. she sez "gud boy Percy".
I gitted a lecture on leaving the giant stick by itself and to never peepee on it. I canz not make that promise, but I sed I will try.
do you know that it taked 4 hours to put all these hangy tings on? that wud have been a very long walk we cud has gone on instead.
Monday, November 27, 2017
mommy is so sad
today is a very sad day at our house. my kitty cat friend, Jazzbar had to go to her forever sleep this morning. I miss her, and mommy is cryink and not wanting to do innyting fun with me at all.
goodnight Jazzy
We will see you agin at the rainbow bridge sum day.
goodnight Jazzy
We will see you agin at the rainbow bridge sum day.
Sunday, November 26, 2017
old man Max is an old man
I em worriet about my friend Max. all he wunts to do inymore is sleep. he sleeps everywhere. he evin sleeps on my cattypiller.
mommy sez that Max has become very old very fast. I wunt Max to be young and spunky agin.
I hope you feel bedder soon old man. I wunt to play with you agin soon.
mommy sez that Max has become very old very fast. I wunt Max to be young and spunky agin.
I hope you feel bedder soon old man. I wunt to play with you agin soon.
Saturday, November 25, 2017
a mistery
thin I sed woof and started to take a roll in this! but mommy sed, :oh yuck Percy that is deer poopie!"
I already knowed that bit of news, and that's exactly why I wuzzed going to roll in it. I eated a bit of it instead. Friday, November 24, 2017
I gotted to do sumpting vvery citing for a short while today. I getted to ride in the back of a truck!!
with mommy holding my leash in my neighborhood going very very slow. But it was the best ting ever! I tended I wuzzed an old farm doggy in the bed of his farmers pick up truck!
with mommy holding my leash in my neighborhood going very very slow. But it was the best ting ever! I tended I wuzzed an old farm doggy in the bed of his farmers pick up truck!
don't I luk preddy cool?
do I luk like a ranch doggy?
but rilly I don't live on a ranch or farm and I am back home now.
but I steel tink I luk pretty great.
tanks for the ride mommy, it sure wuzzed fun!
Thursday, November 23, 2017
Happy Thanksgiving
I hope everyone canz find sumpting in their lives to be thankful for. Today, I em thankful for my mommy and how she has teached me so much and taken me so miny places and feeded me so much gud stuff. I can not evin imajin anudder hooman that wud be as gud as her for me. tank u mommy.
did you notice the ray of sunshine in the pitcher?
we taked a long tanksgiving day hike and scovered sum rilly cool tings. this is my favorite.
a hidden liddle cave with a natural spring and tiny wadderfall.
I watched the liddle wadderfall and stared at the water. thin I decided to go in.
it wuzzed very cold water and I wundered where the fish were.
mommy never telled me to git out, she axillly sed, gud buddy, take a bit uf a bath. she telled me that becuzzed earlier I had rolled in sum smelly coyote poopy and stinked out loud.
so I goed under the waterfall for a quick shower. hee hee.
it must have werked cuzzed after my shower, mommy liked to git close to me agin
far far away in the distince it where I gitted my first hunting hound passing score!
I bet there are lots and lots of hippities between here and there!!!
I em very thankful for sure. I em a lucky doggy.
Wednesday, November 22, 2017
Mommy sed that tomorrow is sumpting callt Thanksgiving. She sed it is a day where ppl are thankgul for whut they have and whut makes them happy. She telled me that we are going to do sumpting that will make us happy tomorrow--we are going on a long hike with my new whistle to a place where we can esplore all around togedder. she telled me to rest up and gather all the inergy I can. so I taked a nap and while I dreamed I smiled cuzzed I em so tankful for evryting in my doggy life.
Tuesday, November 21, 2017
liddle tings
this week is Thanksgiving break frum skool, so me and mommy gotted to take lots of walks up and hunt for hippities at the elmentry school. Today I wuzzed sniffing around and I finded a very small liddle bench.
I smiled and sed ok, I ready to learn new tings all time! Tracking sounds like a fun new game.
thin I finded a very small liddle white glove. I barked at it and mommy wuzzed all proud!. She sed "Oh Percy, I tink it is time to start training you to be a tracking doggie and git sum more titles!".
Monday, November 20, 2017
Mamas boy
evrybuddy calls me a mommies boy. I don't know why or whut that meens. but I ruv my mommy so much that I jest has to be touching her all the time. sumtimes she sez "Percy, stop touching me all the time." I never pay iny mind to her, she is lucky I am not always in her lap where I rilly wunt to be.
this is me putting my head on mommys leg and foot. I falled all to sleep like this. I sleeped good.
this is me putting my head on mommys leg and foot. I falled all to sleep like this. I sleeped good.
Sunday, November 19, 2017
my whistle
Check out this cool new addishion to my collar. it looks like a grey box. It is callt the whitstle. It tracks me with sumptink callt gps tecknoligy. Mommy can look on her phone and it will tell her where Percy is. sumptimes, it jest sez Percy is at home. But win I em away frum home, it sez, Percy is away frum home. and it can tell her jest xactly where I em and how miny miles I has walked and all kinds of great stuff.
mommy telled me that Santy Paws can use it to keep track of me being naughty or nice. So I bedder watch out.
Saturday, November 18, 2017
star lighting
tonight is the speshil night! the star is gonna light up and then we will see a fire werks show. it is a chilly night, but we have sleeping bags in the back of the truck to keep us warm while we wait.
mommy sed "don't look away Percy, it is going to happen any second". So I jest watched and waited.
Thin all of a sudden, there wuzzed a lighted star and sum big bangs and pretty lights in the sky.
the star is on to celebrate the season! it wuz so citing. I saw it light up!!
and the fire works were so great! here is sum pitchers of the coolest ones.
do you see the star? this next one I rilly like--it luks like a people who is hasing their arms in the air and saying, this is so great!! WEEEEEEEEE.
me and mommy sed YAY so miny times, we laughed and smiled and sed COOL!
did you notice that the fireworks are red and green for the season? I ruvved it so much.
mommy reminded me that now Santy Paws is watching me to make sure I stay nice for a Christmus gift. I hope I member to not be naughty.
Friday, November 17, 2017
gitting reddy for the starlighting
Tomorrow is a very speshial day here in Cassle rock. it is the day that the big star gits lighted up to celebrate the hollydays. The big star is on top of the rock...you know, the liddle hike me and mommy do a lot of times. innyways, lookit this guy who is way up high on the star making sure it is reddy for the light up tomorrow. he is brave. he is jest the liddle black dot to the left of the flag.
and gess whut? me and mommy are going on a venture to see the star light up tomorrow!!
I so cited, I cannot wait.
Thursday, November 16, 2017
the edge of the earth
today mommy and I taked a liddle walk close to our house. we has been there lots of times before, but today we taked a difrent path. this is sumptink callt a cairn. it marks a trail or way.
I gave a Percy smile and sed, well, lets follow the cairns! we did and we commed to the edge of the earth!. mommy sed, "dunt get to close to the edge Percy, you might fall right off."
it wuz a long way down. so I has to stay on my leash. I injoyed the view and had sum water.
I has so much fun, I jest smiled and smiled. heres anudder one!
I axilly sniffed out a rabbit and gave voice and we tracked it for a long while.
I wundered where it went.
but I wuz so interested in the view, I jest stared at the bootiful marvels.
I sure ruv the ventures me and mommy has togedder. whut a grate life I has. tank u mommy, tank u.
Wednesday, November 15, 2017
i never get tired
this wuzzed me after my 5 mile hike a couple days ago. I sed oh mommy, I has your kichen towel. lets plaay chase!
mommy sed "Percy, my feet are killing me, I CANZ NOT CHASE YOUTONIGHT." I sed oh boo mommy, my feet are not killing me, and I steel has so much inergy, I wunt to play with you.
mommy sed no, I em sorry Percy, I canz not play chase. she sed she has lot to do. that made me sad.
So I pouted for an hour.
Tuesday, November 14, 2017
funny cousins
Has you ever hurd of Doxhunds? They are doggies like me, they are axilly kind of cousins to Basset Hounds. They are very pickuliar liddle frinds. These were 2 guys at the hunt test...they are earth dogs. They like to go in earth tunnels.
I tinked they were so funny. I lauffed out lowd!
goofy cousins. Rabbits are for Bassets!!
Monday, November 13, 2017
new santa fe trail
win I getted up dis morning, mommy sed "come on Percy, lets go on a long walk." She telled me we were going to go to the new santa fe trail. I tinked she wuzzed talking about Santa, like Santa Paws at holyday time. I never knowed his last name wuzzed fe, I tinked it wuzzzed claus. Thin she telled me that santa fe is a town and a train name. and that we mite evin git to see a train on our walk. I has never seen one, so I wuzzed all cited bout that.
we saw sum rilly neat red hills. Thin all of a sudden, I sawed sumptink else red...right in the middle of nowhere!!
that wuz preddy funny to see. suddenly mommy sed, "Percy, hurry, run quick and look". I runned fast
Thin I heard it. HOOOOT HOOOOOT. A train wuz coming, and I wuz so happy! we taked a pitcher
we saw sum rilly neat red hills. Thin all of a sudden, I sawed sumptink else red...right in the middle of nowhere!!
that wuz preddy funny to see. suddenly mommy sed, "Percy, hurry, run quick and look". I runned fast
Thin I heard it. HOOOOT HOOOOOT. A train wuz coming, and I wuz so happy! we taked a pitcher
I climbed on a bench and opened my eyes all big so I cud see it bedder! I ruvved waching it.
after all that citement I wuz ready to lay in the shade and rest for a bit. I drinked a lot of water.
lookit these mountains of sand we found. I hiked all over them.
and got all dirty and messy.
mommy telled me to go wash off in the lake. I sed ok.
I drinked sum clear fresh clean lake water and pretended I wuzzed a big moose in the mountain lake. canz you see the drool coming back out of my mouth? Jest like a reel Moose!
Sunday, November 12, 2017
Saturday, November 11, 2017
nice day for a float
It is November and it is still gud enuf weather to go out on a lake and enjoy the sunshine. I drifted around and jest put my head down and enjoyed the views.
thin, sumptink grate happened--I finded a crab claw! I barked and barked and barked at it.
It dent seem to care a bit about me or my barking. sooo i abandoned ship.
I played on sum rocks and mommy keeped telling me to "be careful Percy, don't turn your ankle". I sed, don't you worry bout a ting mommy. I em jest fine!
See how fine I em???
later on at home, I conked out and sleeped so deep evin my tongue sticked out
whut a fun day. tank u mommy, tank u.
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