Wednesday, January 31, 2018

my twin

Wowzie, take a lookit did pitcher!  THIS IS NOT ME, PERCY.  I tink I has a twin.

mudder sez he is my doppelganger, and I beeleeve it!  whut do you tink??

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

bed pig

I wuz sleeping all sound whin all of the sudden grouchy pants ASA decided he wunted to share my bed and snuggle with me.  I tried not to notice and pretend like I wuzzed sleeping so deep.  I tinked maybe he wud jest go away back to his own bed.  

but he did not.  he jest crammed right in.  

Monday, January 29, 2018

old west Percy

HOWDY pardners, it"s National Stock Show time in Denver.  Mudder sez that means there are horses, and cows and goats and chickens and rabbits and all kinds of rodeo shows and auctions.  I wished I cud go but mudder sed no dogs are allowed.  I dent understand that-who cud let a cow in, but not me??

Sunday, January 28, 2018

The biggest snowball evar

jest lookit whut me and muddder finded on our walk today!  a ginormus snowball.  I wuz so cited about finding it.  It smelled so gud.

I jest HAD to pee on it!!

Saturday, January 27, 2018

Spruce Mountain

Me and my mudder taked a very long hike today up a mountain callet Spruce.  We hiked to the top, then all around the top, then back down.  Here is Spruce Mountain.  It is preddy close to our house.  You canz also see Dawson Butte in the pitcher, we go there too.

It wuzzed a liddle chilly to start out, but we warmed up when we got on the trail and I started pulling.
Mudder sed  "don't you pull so hard Percy, my shoulder is sore.  And it is slippry and we might fall on the snow and ice".  I tended I did not hear her and keeped on pulling.  Here is the snow and ice.  It did not keep me frum doing one of my favorite tings--climbing!

                                             chooooooo chooooooooo!!  can you see it down below?

bye bye train... innyway it is time to start to hike up agin.  there were a lot of cool rocks and tings.
is that a castle behind me?  no, jest sum rocks!

mudder sed dat sumtimes I am cammoflauged in the background.  can you see me?  woof woof!!

this wuz at the top of Spruce Mountain-You sure canz see a long long way!  

mudder ruvs dis pitcher of me!  

we came along a fallen over tree and mudder told me to go and :paws on" it.  So I did!  and I posed all nice.  mudder sed I wuz a good and handsum boy.

so I jumped off the log and gived mudder a big happy Percy Grin.

we sure had a gud time.  and my whistle told us that we hiked 7.2 miles.  here is our neato path.

tank ooo mudder, it was a great day, like always.  I hope I dent hurt your shoulder too much.

I ruv oooooo!!!

Friday, January 26, 2018

do you see whut i see?

I cud not beeleve my luck on our walk today.  I commed around the corner and there wuzzed a hippity!  I froze in my place and we had a stare off.

Thin I made a run for him.  

I dent git very close before he runned away.  he wint right in to that liddle hole under the storage unit.  someday I will git closer!

Thursday, January 25, 2018

Percy on a plaque

mudder made this at her poddery class.  it is me relaxing outside with sum hearts in the sky.

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

tank you dr. Vet!

becuzzed of my Dr. Vet I got a big brand new knucklebone all my own...and I gitted to chew it a lot today!  my teeth will be clean in no time at all.

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

teeth check up

 I went to the vet today to see if I need to have my teeth cleaned.  I wuzzed a liddle scaret becuz last time I came here I had to stay becuz of the rock I ate.  I look scaret huh?

but my vet is so nice and gintle, and he sed I dunt need my teeth cleaned-I jest need to chew on a big knucklebone!!  Gud news all around.  I jumped up to look for the bone.

mommy telled me that she has to go git one frum the store.  I can hardly wait.

Monday, January 22, 2018

Rattie day

My mudder taked me to practice barn hunt today.  I has been such a gud hunter at home that she thought I would be super duper gud at finding those ratties!  I wuzzed so cited to be back!

I jest cud not wait to git back in the barn!  I had such fun with mudder hunting ratties-it wuz so much fun that I decided I jest wunted to have fun and jump on the judge and I even left the barn!  it wuz a great time.  when we left there wuz a lake in the parking lot frum the melting snow.  

then I posed in sun pitchers, cuz mudder tinks I em so cutie.

Sunday, January 21, 2018

it is snowing

finally a lot of snow is coming down!!!

I rilly like it becuz it makes it easy to see where the hippities are!!!!!

Saturday, January 20, 2018

sprucing up day

Every once in a while my mommy sez "percy, you need sum sprucing up".  I know whut that means...  thin she gathers these supplies and sez "percy, sit down so I can start the sprucing.

I never rilly mind spruce up days, becuz I git lots of hugging and love whin I am the cleanet I can be!

Friday, January 19, 2018

spelunking with my mudder

WOWZI, we goed on a hike today and we finded the most coolest tings--CAVES!!!

I think caves are my new favrit things to splore

mudder cud not evin fit down in to this one.  She sed "look out for bats Percy".  She told me that bats wud suck the blood out of my neck.  so I runned out of that cave as fast as I cud. Yipes!!

I wuz  some whut worried to go in to anudder cave, so I jest taked a peek frum a distance, and only in small caves where bats cud not be hanging upside down and waiting to suck my blood.

I taked a small rest and kept an eye out for those bad blood suckers.  I never saw iny innywhere.

I kept on sploring. mudder sed cave esploring  is callt spelunking.  I sed ok. & I spelunked sum more.

today made me very happy.  I tink I em a great spelunker, and I steel has all my blood, you bad bats.

Thursday, January 18, 2018

crazy collaR

check out my new cool collar mudder found!  it luks like green, and it is...
until you shine a light on it-- then it turns turns flooressent!  so I can be seen in the evenings!!

and it has doggie bones on it for decoration!!  I luv it and cant wait to put my whistle on it and go for a long hike with my mudder.**

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

happy me

Each day I em so happy to be me.  I sumptimes jest lay down and smile whin I tink about whut a great life I has.

I em a liddle bit spoiled, and I know it!

ahhh this is definitely the life!!

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

i miss summertime

the winter time is fun and all, but not near as fun as the summer time!  I em lukking forward to fun tings like this agin.  but thin I will prolly miss romping in the snow and going on chilly hikes.

Monday, January 15, 2018

the white cougar

Well, Bronwyn is not the sweet liddle kitten that mudder tinks she is.  In fact, she is a beast.  A beast that stalks me and gives me the swat down.  I try to make frinds with her so we canz play togedder, but she never wunts innyting to do with me.  mudder sez, "lookit Percy, she is so sweet she evin has a cute little heart-shaped patch on her back, awwwww".

So I tried to giver her anudder chance to be frinds with me and play togedder.

but instead, she hissed at me and tried to tack me.
she stalked me down the hall...

I barked out for mudders help to save me.  but whin mudder came, this is whut she saw

Bronwyns sweet liddle kitty cat face jest minding her own bizness and taking a sun nap.
mudder sed "Percy, whut is the madder with you?  leave the sweet little kitten alone".  Mudder never knows that the new little kitten is rilly an indoor snow cougar jest waiting to eat me up.  This is whut she rilly is like to me, Percy

but this is all mudder ever sees

and all mudder hears is friendly happy purring, not the big cougar hiss that she gives to me.  SIGH