Saturday, March 31, 2018

grouchy pants Asa

Since Max has been gone Grouchy Pants Asa has become nicer.  Today he told me in secret that he really ruvs me and that he is happy to be my friend.He whispered it to me in my ear.

Percy ruvs you too Asa!

Friday, March 30, 2018

The tree of life

today on our walk me and mudder found the biggest tree I has ever seen.  she sed maybe it wuz the tree of life and that she should take my pitcher sitting under it.  look how small I look!

I contemplated some life things while I did my sit stay.  I asked the tree whut exactly IS the meaning of life.  but that big ole thing did not even answer.  it just sat there being a tree.  So I peepeed on it.

Thursday, March 29, 2018

a HA

I finally learnt who made that big pile of scat in my frunt yard---jest lookit what I saw out of the window tonight!  I wunted to go out and bark at them and tell them to pick up after themselves.

but mudder sed if I approached them, they might kick me..  So I dent approach.

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

weaving day

I got to play with the weave poles at agility this morning.  I think I'm preddy grate at weaving.

then lookit whut we saw when we came out of the barn!  across the street were sum deer.
what a cool place I go to for agility.

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

beauty class

Tonight we went to conformation class to get ready for sumpting callt a specialty.  it wuz so boring.  all it is about is standing and trotting.  I watched sum of the other doggies and they seemed to be having fun.  but I tink it is yawn fest.  

so I layed down and pretended to be a harbor seal.

that was the funnest thing about the whole class!  its not like agility or hunting.  its a lot of waiting for your turn.  and then you have to stay on your leash and hold real still.  that's hard for me, Percy..

Monday, March 26, 2018

goodnight friend

I had to say goodbye to old man Max tonight.  Sleep easy and I will see you agin at the Rainbow Bride.

we love you Max.

Sunday, March 25, 2018

pesty Percy

Like evry morning I wanted all of mudders attention,but mudder had sumpting in her lap and was paying her mind to it and not me.  I jumped up to take a look.

I sed helooo mudder, is it time for a walk?  Mudder sed "not right now Percy, cant you see I'm busy?"  I gitted my feelings hurt so I laid down down next to her chair and pouted.

in 2 seconds later, I tried agin, frum the other side.  this time I gave her a very sad face too.
I asked mudder if we could play the kitchen towel chase game.  Mudder sed "Percy, I am busy right now, maybe later".  

I laid down agin and stared at her.  I started to whine cry.  

 I gave her my most disappointed face.  mudder sed "poor baby Percy, but I am doing something right now and I need all of my attention on it.  so please quit whining and go find something else to do by yourself so I can concentrate."  Well, that rilly hurted my feelings.  the only thing I cud think to do by myself was creep mudder frum a distance...

the extra sad face worked-mudder sed "come on Percy we better go on a walk and cheer you all up, you look so pitiful"  

I don't know whut pitiful is but I need to look it more often!

Saturday, March 24, 2018

somebody lost their green hand

I has a new favrit toy!  somebodys hand!  
I could not evin believe it when I finded it.  then mudder telled me to go play with it!  evin more surprising!  

it wuzzed so much fun.

mudder evin played chase with me.

I'm sorry for whoever lost their own hand, but I am happy to have finded it!

Friday, March 23, 2018

mudders drawing

this months bark box came with a liddle pitcher frame that had a spot where mudder cud draw a drawing of me and thin next to it put a photograph of me.  I am so proud of mudders art work-it luks exactly like me, don't you think so too??

Thursday, March 22, 2018

my brudder Alan

Mudder got to see a pitcher of one of my brudders today.  His name is Alan and he looks a lot like me.  it seems  he evin likes to do the same tings I like.  Here he is at a lake with his Mike.

You might be fooled in to thinking it is me, but it is not.  I wish I could visit him.
I miss you big brudder and I like your harness!  now go for a swim!!!!

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

cool cat

I am beginning to tink Bronwyn is axilly preddy cool.  She can climb places that I cant and she is super gud at balancing.  she is also very gud at ignoring.  Mudder tells her to git down sumptimes and Bronwyn jest gives her the stink eye and stays where she is.  oooooh, Percy wud have been in so much trubble for sitting on the back of the couch with breakables around.  but not Bronwyn.  she dent evin git in trubble for giving mudder that face.

in fact, she went over and climbed in mudders lap while she worked.  and she got to stay there.

how does she get to do all of these great tings?  later on she was evin sleeping on mudders pillow!

it must be that heart shape she has on her back.  I might somehow put a heart mark on me so I can do all these great tings too .  

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

fooling mudder

last night I went outside to go peepee before bed, but it wuzzed so cold I jest sneaked and went peepee on the porch and came right back in.  When mudder went to turn the light off she sed "oh Percy!  Whut a gud boy, you went outside and practiced your figure 8s"  "Yay buddy"

Whut do you say we jest keep this between you and me?  😉

Monday, March 19, 2018

its finally winter time!

Mudder told me that tomorrow is the first day of spring.  how can that be when yesterday was the first day of winter?  it makes my head hurt to think about that.  hmmmmm

but my head got all better so me and grouchy pants ASA played togedder.  I gave him the sneak attack while he wuz smiling for a pitcher.

look close at his crazy face.  his tung is evin hanging out.  

he sat down in the snow next to Mudder and now he has snow butt!  I tinked it wuzzed funny

                                                         I barked out loud about snow butt!
thin I spied with my own eyes-----ICICLES!!!!  do you remember I just ate my last one a few days ago?  

we collected a batch of them for me to eat after our walks
I wunted one now, mudder gave me several.  nom nom, nothing better than fresh icicles-except maybe PORK RINDS !!  hey, pork rind flavored icicles wud be a grate idea...
evin grouchy pants had fun in the snow today.  the only bad part about this much snow is that I wont git to go on a walk today.  but we will do sumptink fun like sum training indoors.  please don't go away tomorrow winter...I like you and whut you bring.

Sunday, March 18, 2018

my happy place

my mudders lap is my favrit sleeping place in the mornings.  Espeshally whin it is cold outside.

Saturday, March 17, 2018

messy deer

lookit whut I finded right in my own frunt yard.  Deer poopy!  or I mean, scat.  a big pile.

Friday, March 16, 2018

Basset fest

Today was full og Basset Hounds for me.  First I went to obedience class with my frind Almondine (who isn't rilly my frind, becuz she wunts to bite me all the time.)  me and mudder had a gud class and I em almost reddy for the show coming up in 3 weeks!  it is not very stressful for me....
thin on the way hme, we saw rudy and boomer out on a walk so we pulled over to say hello.

one we got home there wuz someome waiting for us named screamer I think, or maybe Kramer
we got to play a bit togedder, but thin he started gitting a little mean, so mudder sed he had to go home.

 do you see him biting out?  I wuz saying, yikes, not so ruff mister.  I humped him once.
this afternoon I had a nice nap.  it wuz a nice day with lots of activities.  

Thursday, March 15, 2018


on our hike today me and mudder kept hearing someone yelling "WATER  WATER"!  I knowed I was thirsty but we dent think anyone was going to bring me a drink.  then we saw this scene.

 there were fire ingines and fire guys spraying all kinds of water in to the field.  we did not see iny fire or smell iny smoke, so we decided to go around and take a look frum the other side of the field.

we still dent see iny fire, so we went on with our hike.  We crossed a liddle creek and followed the path up the hill.  mudder sed "keep yer eyes peeled Percy, we might see a moose!"

we did not see a Moose, but we did find sum rilly cool climbing spots.  

I climbed on this rock and was going to smile, but I heared sumptink living under the rock and it scairt me.  I think maybe it was a rat.

then I smelled sumptink rilly yummy, and I finded this!  mudder sed it was called a honeycomb and that it is made by bees!  I wanted to bring it home with us but mudder sed "No."
I left it behind and took a pooper instead.  I kicked it all around when I was finished.  jest becuz
it was such a nice springtime day!  we evin finded a beavers dam. there is a creek in there.
my favrit ting is to look around for wildlife.  I dent see iny today tho.

on our way out we saw a whole bunch of water on the path.  mudder sed "oh gosh, Percy look what a mess those fire guys made!"  

thank goodness there was not a real fire.