Sunday, May 27, 2018

my last week

furst of all, some more snow commed and I tried to take mudders kichen towel outside... watch this video

then the sun came back out and melted the snow so we taked out boat out for some fishing at Spinney Mountain!

I wunted to drive the boat, but mudder sed no

we went to an island for lunch and I chased birds!
but thin I has to git a carry across the canal back to the boAT.

i basked in the sun and injoyed the ride

we went super fast and i ruved the feel of the wind in my ears!

and I taked time to smell the flowers.

Thursday, May 24, 2018


Mudder sez that my school work and studying has to be more important than my bog right now.  She sed I need to concentrate on learning.So I will only git to bog once a week.  But that is ok, becuz I am learning so many great things in classes!  Jest lookit what I em doing in agility!

So, as sad as I am that i canz not bog evryday, I am cited that I git to spend more time learning.  

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

i did sum stealing agin

while Phil wuzzed fixing sumptink under the sink, I helped myself to sum hefty bags.  Tearing them up is so great.

this next pitcher looks like I has a black garbage bag for a tung!

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

hunting on video

I em still so excited about gitting my second leg towards hunting hound that I want to share my work frum Saturday.  Take a peek.  Hope you injoy the show!

                                                                       TALLY HO!!!

Monday, May 21, 2018

sad news

do you remember when I telled you that Asa had a cold and had to go to the vet?
  Well, I am sad to tell you that he does not have a cold...he has a disease callt cancer.  Mudder is so sad and I em worriet about my friend.  I dont wunt him to leave forever.  I love him so much.
  We always has so much fun togedder.  We played bubbles tonight and he had a great time!

I ruv Asa!

Sunday, May 20, 2018

spring flowers

today on our walk we discovered that the spring wild flowers are starting to bloom.  mudder telled me to go sit in them for a nice pitcher.

I also got to hunt some hippities too!

Saturday, May 19, 2018

hunting test

Today we went to a real hunting performance test.  It wuz so much fun.  I got to run second.  It wuz so windy and misty, and also kind of cold too.  mudder told me to go find some hippities.

I checked in my favorite place first--the rubbage pits.

no hippities there.  so I hunted all over the prairies.

  nothing there either.  so then I checked out the yucca patch.

all of a sudden, someone announced "TALLEY HO"!!!  and I smelled it---a hippity on the run!
Mudder helped me find the line and I was off!  I gave voice and worked and worked and worked to follow it!  the next thing I knew, I heard a gun shot.  I stopped working for a second, but then I got right back to bizness.  I tracked that hippity right to it's hole in the ground.  when we got back to the house everyone wuz happy and me and mudder got our pitcher taken togedder with the judges.  I earned a ribbon and my second leg towards my hunting hound title!  

this pitcher is funny becuz it looks like I am giving voice to the hippity on the sign.  
thin after lunch I got to go back out and hunt with my buddy Thumper!

he tried to hump me first, but then we headed out togedder to find some hippities.

we checked the rubbage piles again, but still didn't find innything.  I went over by the yuccas again and kicked up a couple during the next liddle while.  it wuz so fun!!

hunting is my favorite thing to do!!

Friday, May 18, 2018

goodnight evryone

see... I really do prefer my pillow with the white side up!  I'm resting up before my real hunt test tomorrow.  wish me luck!

Thursday, May 17, 2018

Percy is a busy doggie

I has been so busy with all of my class work that mudder sez I canz not blog evryday innymore.  I gave her a sad face when I heared the news.

She sed that skool and learning come furst.  But that I cud still blog on the weekends.  So I will be blogging once a week about all of the great tings that happened during that week.
i went to the school grounds tonight and made a wish on a dannylion.

i wished that evryone wud still like my blog evin tho I canz not blog evryday innymore. 

love, Percy

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

how much is that cat in the window

do you see whut I see thru the window?  that is Bronwyn on mudders bed.  she loves to sleep there.  she also loves to be near mudder.  but mudder is outside with me and Asa right now.  So Bronwyn is sleeping as close to where mudder is sitting as possible.  she lets out liddle meows every once in a while.  

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

whut is in my snout?

do you see it?  It is one blade of grass that I wud not let mudder remove.  I finally sneezed it out!

Monday, May 14, 2018

a bit dirty

yesterday at the land I got a bit dirty.  its cuz I like to lay in the cool dirt.  the good news is I dent evin have to have a bath!

mudder callt me pig pen!

Sunday, May 13, 2018

mudder special day

we spent medduers day at the land at it was a bootiful day.  I hunted a lot.
I kicked up a jack rabbit and chased it for a while.

I laied in the hammock with mudder.

I guarded mudder and her land, but while I did that, I had to berry my new bone...
Then of course I had a photo shoot.  I smiled for mudder.

She sed quit being a ham Percy, jest look normal... So, I did.
but thin she sed, you look to sad buddy, look like you are searching for a hippity.  so I did.

that was a good one, mudder told me.  good boy buddy.  one more for the record.

I sure ruv this place.  and I ruv my mudder.  happy day!!

Saturday, May 12, 2018

whoops, I did it again...

there were some workers outside today.  I barked barked barked.  but they didn't leave.  they stayed all day.  I barked barked barked all day too.

evin old man barked.  there were loud machines.  they tore up my old sidewalk.  and they made a new one.

 I put my paw print in it!  I wuz probally not sposed to do that..but I wanted to.  so did mudder.  now Percys print will be here forever..

Friday, May 11, 2018

high centered

I em so goofy.  Today I wuzzzed coming inside thru the doggie door and I decided to stop halfway in and halfway out.  I jest stared at mudder.  she called me a silly boy.

Thursday, May 10, 2018

bawk bawk bawk

I got to visit with the girls today.  I laid in the cool dirt and watched them kick around tear up dirt.

It lukked like so much fun so I tried it myself,

All it did wuz make me tired. Time for a nap!

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

im a show dog

My official win pitcher came in the mail and I tink it is very nice and shows how great I canz luk.

I want to be a Champion like my brudder Tanner.  Only 12 more points to go!!