Friday, March 31, 2017

Percy Snout

my mommy commed home frum the mailbox today and she wuzzed happy!  she sayed oh Percy, I tink I gotted my necklace in the mailbox!  so we opined the box up and jest lookit whut wuzzed   inside::
sure enough it is my Percy snout!!!!
isn't it so neato?  it is really my nose print. 

and on the back it evin says my name.  Percy. 
don't you tink it is so cool too?  let us compare it to my snout on my face.
yes siree, dat is my nose alright. 
do you member whut it lukked like when I gotted molded?
I tink I wunt a mold of mommys snout for me to wear on my collar!  I'm gonna ask my mommy now.
she sed dat sounds like a grate idea!!!   but thin she it wud be weird, so, no. 

Thursday, March 30, 2017


I had a fritening dream last nite.  I dreamt I turnt in to a zombie.  it started out as a fun dream and I wuz playing chase with mommy agin.  thin it happened.  jest like that I wuz a zombie. 
and not jest playink with my new headband.  I dreamt I wuz workink on my bog, thin I wuzzed zombie doink that too. 
oh I jest hated my slumber last night.  I wuzzed so glad to wake up.  I barked and barked and barked frum inside my kennel.  but I knowed it wuz jest a scary, cuzzed win mommy let me out of my kennel she did not screem, she jest hugged me and kissed me like normal. 
                                                        I hate zombies so much. 
                                                         I never wunt to be one.

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

crazy headband

I has a new goofy hat.  but I dent wear it yet.  instead I sneeked it off of the counter and runned all around with it in my mouth.  mommy had to chase me thru the house.  she wuz saying Percy, stop right now, Percy drop, Percy bring that back,, Percy leave it, Percy, Percy, Percy.  but I dent drop it out of my mouth....mommy had to pry it out.  she wuz not laughing.  but I know she will win I wear it
                                   I know you will laugh and smile too win I wear it.
                                                           ps  it evin lites up!!!!!
                                          I hope I dent wreck it win I wuzzed chewing on it.

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

my yummy chew

I jest ruv my chew so much that evin tho I tinked I heared a boogeyman and I shud has gone and growled at the frunt door, instead I jest kept chewing and growled at the same time-jest where I was
                                                       member to turn up your noise
                                                I tink I steel sound preddy mean and scary
                                                        no boodgeymans comed inside.

Monday, March 27, 2017

apollo play

the snow all melted so me an mommy goed out agin for our walk and I meted a brand new frind-his name was appolo and he wuzzed so nice!  he jest had a bath and his mommy woodnt let him roll around in the grass with me becuz it would make him durty agin.  too bad cuz we cud has had so much fun togedder.  we steel did has fun jest sniffing each other and playing chase! 
                                                      well, I chased and appolo runned!.
lookit  appolos silly ear!  I tink he wuzzed tending he was a hippity or sumptink.  that's why I liked him so much-I like to tend too, and I ruv hippities!!!

Sunday, March 26, 2017

all konked out

I spended the last 3 days at barn hunt and my mommy sez I em all tuckered out...I barely evin waked up to go get in my kennel for the night.  here is me, Percy snoring up a storm.  turn up your noise.
did you notice my liddle paw twitching?  I tink I wuzzed dreeming uf finding dem bad ratties! 

Saturday, March 25, 2017

this makes me happy

I getted evin more kisses and hugs than normal on happy puppy day.  jest lookit my happy face.

Friday, March 24, 2017


                             where did the springtime go?  I lukked everywhere for it today...
I could not find it innywhere...

I miss it already.

Thursday, March 23, 2017

breathing fire

I always like to pretend I em sumtink other than a doggie.  so today I em a giant magik dragon who can breathe super cool blue colort firy smoke!!!  aren't you scart by me, Percy in my bog today??
my roar is much frighteninger thin my liddle doggie bark.    

I jest translated my name, Percy Basset, in to a dragon name.  here is my dragon name--
Llom Vivid-Eyes The Flaming Sea
  it means "He bathes in oceans of flame!  He has vivid scales of blinding brightness.  He sees the things that others do not.  This one is knowing, wise, and well-read.
I tink dat scribes me, Percy, perfeckly.  dunt you agree??
but reely:
I like to roll in stinky stuff, I has ginger-colored markings that spell PMS, I see zombies, and the only ting I read is my bog. 

but lookit--I can evin change the color of the fire I  breathe!!!!!!!  jest call me Llom!!!!!!!

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

a home for toads

do you remember my Debbie mommy frum florida?  she is the one who bringed me in to this world.  well there is something I em so cited about....she is coming to be a judge at our Basset Hound show soon!  I canz wait to see her.  I hope she steel smellz like the purple drink.  and my buddy Mike florida frind is coming with her too!  here is me and them.  this wuzzed us saying so long.  but not goodbye.
so, innywayz Debbie asked my mommy to make a toad house for her Florida yard becuzzed my doggy mommy Ava catches toads and plays ruff with thim, so toads need safe place to hide frum her.  and also my brudder Alan duz it too.  here is whut my mommy made for florida toads.
I tink it iz reely cool.  I hope Debbie mommy ruvs it!  I wunted to has my pitcher taken with it cuz I always jest ruv having my pitcher taken.  lookit, I em smiling.
I lukked inside to see if there wuz iny toads hiding inside.....there wuz not iny.
I tink I wunt a pet toad frind!!  I will ask my mommy if I canz have one.

Tuesday, March 21, 2017


well I em still sellibrating springtime.  I heard mommy sayink that sumptimes springtime comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb.  so I cided I wud be a lion for the coming in of springtime!.
I em the king of the jungle park!!  dat bratty ole jazzbar better watch out..
theres a new big cat in town.  me--Percy!!!

Monday, March 20, 2017

happy Springtime

today is the furst day of a new spring!  i sure do enjoy it.  i preddy much enjoyed it all day long.
i has growed up a lot since last springtime, huh?

Sunday, March 19, 2017

my course map

i forgetted to tell you about  my rally maps  yesterday.  these are the jouneys me and mommy had to follow.  canz you see all the conducts we had to try to do?

well, i dent do vairy many of them right, becuz member i forgetted whut sit means?  and mommy keeped telling me to sit at every single sign.  mommy sed i acted like i had ants in my pants.  i don't wear pants silly mommy.  and i don't has any ants. 
                                               but see this?  I did have an arm band.
well, mommy had an arm band.  the number was my name.  so instead of my big special name,
                                                      i wuz a number!
                                                me, Percy wuz 463 !!  lookit the back.
they evin callet me by my number---dog number 463!!
i did wish that dog 463 had earnt a bedder score than NQ.
i will have to work really hard cuz I has anudder rally trial coming up.  but this next one will be really important.  i will tell you why soon....

Saturday, March 18, 2017

rally time

boy wuz it a long day.  me and mommy goed to a rally trial and I gotted to try it 2 times!  it sure wuz fun and I learnt that I wuz the furst Basset Hound ever to be in the show for that club!  it wuz very hard stuff and I forgetted whut sit means.  but I did a ting callt heeling around with my momy. jest watch this liddle video below. 
dent you tink I did real good?  my tail was smiling the whole time/  but thin I did sumpting that made mommy make a scrunchy face like she had a headache.  and her face turnt all red colored.  lookit me.
I dent pay iny attention to mommys commands.  instead I almost gotted my head stuck in the baby gate and cud have  tore down the hole rink.  oopsie.
everybody wuz laughink at me so dat made me happy and my tail jest kept smilink. 
btw, I did sumpting callt NQ...
mommy wuznt upset, she jest told me that we wud git thim next time.  i dont know who we will git but i cant wait to git thim!

Friday, March 17, 2017

top o the mornin to ya

Happy St. Patrix Day everyone!  you know I ruv all days that sellabrate inny kind of feasting, and today is one uf those days!  I dunt tink I will git iny corned beef or cabbage or evin sumpting callt green beer.  but one ting I do wunt is the luck of the irish----I am going to my furst rally trial tomorrow and I need sum lucky shamrocks to go with me.  keep your paws crossed for hoping me and mommy do gud tomorrow.  it is going to be so fun.  I canz wait!

Thursday, March 16, 2017

bark box hissy

well a scary boa contrikkter commed in my bark box this month.  it had a big tung and wuz as long as me almost!  I wuz scaret at furst.  but Asa callt me a big ole baby and got close to the snakey. 
so I decided I cud git close to it too.  but I was still a liddle worrit so I layed down by it furst.
but thin it commed out of the bark box.   I tinked he wunted to be my frind, not to bite me.
so I wuz not scaret immymore.  as a madder of fact.  I sat next to it and sticked my tung out at grouchy pants Asa and I sed to him.  see?  me, Percy not a big ole baby.

I evin taked him around with me. 
bark boxes are the best tings ever.  do you see my bassetball hoop in the background? I'm learning to play so I canz git anudder trick doggy title.  I cant wait to show you me making a hoop!!!!
                                                                      happy day.

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

my passport

well since I gotted a new travel crate I tinked I bedder git a passport so I canz travel lots of places.
                                                                    here it iz
I tried to smile my best smile. it wuz eazy cuzzed I em so cited to go new spots.  how do you like
my paw writing?  its gud, huh?

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

my new riding box

this morning my frunt door sed Ding Dong and jest lookit whut wuz there-I getted a new travel crate!  mommy sez dat I haz growed so big that I has to have bigger safe box.  Asa tried to tell me that the safe box wuz for him.  he sed to me "I'm going and you are not Percy"  thin he kissed the crate box.
so I sed to grouch pants "nuh uh, dis is for me"  and I kissed the crate box.
                             but thin my kiss turned in to trying to tear the box opened up.
I jest cud not wait to try out my new safe box.
I wunted to help mommy git it out as fast as I cud.  I sed to max--"hep me Max, you are big and strong"..  Max did not hep me one bit.  I dent tink he cud hear me innyway.  so I kept working.
here is me trying to pull it out with all my mite. 
I never did get it out but mommy did!  and also out came sum fun chewy stuff mommy callt
                                                            Styrofoam.  I made big mess with it.  see?

oh and that is me going in to impty box.  I tink I could jest travel in dis big box.  hey, I could maybe travel thru the mail and go all kinds good places.  I tink me, Percy will need to git a passport.

Monday, March 13, 2017

round moon

my mommy telled me to look up in the sky becuzzed the moon is full tonight.  so I lukked up. 
and I saw the moon.  thin I wundered why mommy called it a full moon.  whut is it full of?  it looks big and round to me but not full of innyting.  but if it is full I hope it is full of doggie bones and toys!
                                                              aaahhhhrrrroooooo !!!

Sunday, March 12, 2017

me and my frinz has fun day

I gotted to go to the park today with Grouchy pants Asa and funny face Max.  they are a lot older than me but they both tried to stay keeping up with me when I runned and played.  lookit old man Asa.
he did so good!

but thin his grouchiness commed out. 
so I runned away frum him and tried to play with max. I yelled in his ear--hey Max let's play togedder
he jest keeped running, so I looked at his face and yelled are you hearing me?  Max is a liddle deaf so I wusnt sure he evin could hear me.  he dent evin notice me.

so thin I tended I wuz a high stepping horsie.  see me?  I sed max I am a horsie next to you. still nutting.
thin max stopped and gived me this face
I wusnt sure whut he meaned, thin I heared grouchy pants saying psssssssst.  I lukked at Asa...
he telled me that they are both old men and cant play for long with me.  that made me sad.
so I leaved them alone to jest sit in the park togedder.  and me, Percy went to hunt sum rabbits.
I em kinda worrit about my frinz cuz they are old, but for now I em jest going to ruv them everyday!
     we had such good time togedder today.  win we getted home the old men sleeped all afternoon.