Sunday, April 30, 2017

napping day

me and grouchy pants Asa are steel tired after playing in the snow all day yesterday. 
asa sleeps so much lately.  mommy sez its cuzzed he is a old man.  he likes to snuggle lamby. he looks so sweet whin he sleeps.
here is how I sleep.  i think i luk preddy sweet too.  and i sleep with my own Percy style.

i sleep with my tree branch and my rattie tail.

Saturday, April 29, 2017

eye sickles

well, i waked up to a big blizzard this morning.  it wuzzed so cold and grey.  it wuznt nice enough for me and mommy to has any ventures.  so we jest played toegedder in our backyard. 
i wuzzed hasing a grate time whin all of a sudden mommy finded an eye sickle!
thin my grate time turned into an eye sickle eating fest!  and my grate time gotted evin grater!
                              my mouth got big enuf that i thinked i cud has been an alligator!
                                      and i jumped up so high i cud has been a kangyroo!
the eye sickle wuzzed jest as gud as i membered them being last winter.   i ruvved it!
eating thim made me smile.
                                                                                and smile
                                                                           and smile
mommy sed Percy. come over here and see whit i finded!  mommy finded an eye sickle garden!
                                                                  and i smiled agin!!
thin i feasted agin
                                                      and i tink old man Max wuzzed jealus.

Friday, April 28, 2017

pbj pie time

who needs crust?  not me, i ruv uncrustables.  i like to have them strate frum the freezer.
it is like having a liddle pie.  i tink i shud be on a commersial for smuckers.

Thursday, April 27, 2017

luk where i can sleep

                                                i even canz sleep on my mommys foot...
do you notice that no madder where i sleep i always has the neck of a giraffe? 
                                                                      built in blinders too!!

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

April showers...

                                               i telled my mommy that the kitty cat did it!

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

lizard hound

oh no- my mommy sezi  i turnink into a lizard. lookit at my tung.  mommy sez Percy-- your tung has a fork in it!
i dunt feel a fork in it at all. or not a spoon eider. 
 mommy sez, it is also so long Percy.  eek.  you are a snake!  so i lukked at her and said hissssss and arrrgggghhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

she screamed out.  thin i jest winked at her cuzzed i wuzzed jest joking with her. an i gived a smirk

i sed mommy, seddle down, it is jest me, your buddy Percy.

and i ruv you!

Monday, April 24, 2017

my new fav

my bark box bringed me the coolest toy ever.  it iz callt a Chinese fud take out box with a dumplink inside,  I dunt knowed whut that is, but I do know I now has favorite toy ever.  i has to open the box to git out the dumplink. 
and here is the dumplink.
it is like a snowball with  a smile.  but it is not frozed or evin cold at all.  it duz not taste like a dumplink tho.  but it does say squeak squeak squeak whin i tries to chew it.   so i ruv it.
i evin sleep with it all time.  my liddle dumplink is happy-see its smile?  do you knowed how to read Chinese?  i wunder whut it sez on the box.  i tink it sez happy dumplink inside for Percy.

Sunday, April 23, 2017

hippity hunting

for those of my frinds wondering why I ruv huntink rabbits so much I has this liddle video so you can see jest how happy it makes me.  thin you will understand why.  I was breeded to hunt bunnies.
my hind end gits so happy that my tail laughs! I has never catched one, but I will never give up tryink

Saturday, April 22, 2017

seperation anxiety

on our wok today I gotted a big idea to go under sum barbed wire to luk for a hippity.
mommy yelled no no Percy, you come back here right now.
I tended I dent hear her and kept running.
I evin sneeked under anudder fence cuzzed I wuzzed on the hippity trail.
I wuzzed hasing so much fun!!!

thin I realized sumptink so bad.
mommy wuzzed on the udder side of the fence.
we were separated frum each udder.
I stopped right in my tracks. and had anxiety.
and I sed gulp.
but mommy saved the day and showed me the way back to her.  I felt imbarrased that I such a mamas boy.  see my face.....
I so happy to be back on the same side of the fence with mommy.  I did a happy run!

Friday, April 21, 2017

fritning dream

after I finished my blog yesterday I taked a nap.  I wuzzed tired and needed sum good rest.  but I did not git iny good rest.  I had the scaryest dream ever.  I dreamed that mr. pinch bited my whole ear off.
here is whut I tinked wuzzed real.  the ear mr pinch pinched wuzzed all gone.
thin I dreamed that he pinched my whole head right off. 
my whole head wuzzed gone. oh I waked up with a start  and I goed to make sure it wuzzed not real
tank goodness I steel has my head and both ears.  I tellt max bout my dream and he sed I cud sleep next to him so I wunt be scaret.  but lookit-he wuzzed so scaret by my nitemare that he has to sleep with lambchop.  I tink he reely needed to sleep next to me, Percy for comfort.  glad I cud help max

and I also so glad to steel has my head and both my ears!

Thursday, April 20, 2017

mister pinch

do you member that I sed I had a grate story to share about my boating day?  I meeted a creecher.
I named him mister pinch becuzzed he did!  he had lots of legs and big paws that had crunch-ability. I finded him in the water while we were taking a lunch on the shore. I goed in after him to say hello.
hello pinchy
do you see him in the lake?

I sed to him that he shud come and has lunch with us.  mommy helped him to decide -she bringed him out on a stick.  nice to meet you mr. pinch. my name is Percy.
he falled off the stick and he gitted so grouchy bout it.
it wuzzed funny,so I smilet bout it and gived him my happy face and sed to him to turn his frown upside down. 
I checked to see if his frown wuzzed upside down.

it wuzzed not.  so I tried to give him a cheer up kiss. 

and thin this happened. !! 
he gived my ear a big mr. pinch PINCH.  it scaret me so much.  I never spected such bad ness frum my new frind.
I leaped to the sky. here is whut happened in slow motion. 
I sed ouchie mommy
I sed yelp
I sed bark
when he landed he went splish in the water.  I worriet that mr. pinch wuzzed hurted.
I sed oh no are you ok mr. pinch?, and I reached out to him.  he sed he wuzzed jest fine .and thin mr. pinch asked me if me, Percy wuzzed ok.  I sed yes I wuzzed jest fine too.  so we shaked hands togedder
  thin he waved his crunch paw at me and sed goodbye Percy.  I sed goodbye mr pinch.
and he swimmed away. 
I wuzzed sad to see him leave.  I watched him go away--he swimmed backwards.  whut a strange way to travel. hmmm. 

I tellt him I hoped he wunt forget me.  mommy sed oh don't you worry Percy, he wont.  thin she smiled.
 I hope to see you next time new frind mr. pinch.  bon voyage.