I named him mister pinch becuzzed he did! he had lots of legs and big paws that had crunch-ability. I finded him in the water while we were taking a lunch on the shore. I goed in after him to say hello.
hello pinchy
do you see him in the lake?
I sed to him that he shud come and has lunch with us. mommy helped him to decide -she bringed him out on a stick. nice to meet you mr. pinch. my name is Percy.
he falled off the stick and he gitted so grouchy bout it.
it wuzzed funny,so I smilet bout it and gived him my happy face and sed to him to turn his frown upside down.
I checked to see if his frown wuzzed upside down.
it wuzzed not. so I tried to give him a cheer up kiss.
and thin this happened. !!
he gived my ear a big mr. pinch PINCH. it scaret me so much. I never spected such bad ness frum my new frind.
I leaped to the sky. here is whut happened in slow motion.
I sed ouchie mommy
I sed yelp
I sed bark
when he landed he went splish in the water. I worriet that mr. pinch wuzzed hurted.
I sed oh no are you ok mr. pinch?, and I reached out to him. he sed he wuzzed jest fine .and thin mr. pinch asked me if me, Percy wuzzed ok. I sed yes I wuzzed jest fine too. so we shaked hands togedder
thin he waved his crunch paw at me and sed goodbye Percy. I sed goodbye mr pinch.
and he swimmed away.
I wuzzed sad to see him leave. I watched him go away--he swimmed backwards. whut a strange way to travel. hmmm.
I tellt him I hoped he wunt forget me. mommy sed oh don't you worry Percy, he wont. thin she smiled.
I hope to see you next time new frind mr. pinch. bon voyage.
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