Thursday, August 31, 2017

if i were hooman

Sumtimes I wish I cud be a hooman for a day.  Today if I wuzzed a hooman I wud buy this pitcher for my mommy.  It reminds me of us walking togedder.  but I em a doggy and my paws canz not dial a phone to order it.  and I do  not has iny money either.  if I did has sum money I wud git a nice frame for it too.                                                heres to us mommy!

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

fun with towels

who canz resist my face win I take mommys kitchen towels?  

specially win I push the towel with my nose towards a might be chaser!

I git to play chase evrytime!!

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

no more pondering

I em not tinking about the size of doggies in China innymore today.  So I em back to my old Percy self.  I stealed a shoe!

Monday, August 28, 2017

pondering sum tings

Sum times I like to stair into space and jest tink about diffrint tings.  today I em tinking about China and wundering  why doggies are so small there and I jest canz not come up with iny ideas.  I em not rilly that big of a dog, and I has a lot of doggie frinds that are a lot bigger than me. But still, my size large lion main frum China wuzzed So small.  Mommy sez she once gitted a shirt frum China that was sposed to be sized large for her, but win it commed it wud not fit her at all--jest like my lion main.  I em tinking that frum now on if we order inyting frum China we will have to git size XXXXL

Sunday, August 27, 2017

I was almost a lion

We gitted dis cool lion main for me to wear.  It commed all the way frum China!  I was happy to try it out, but when we tried to put it over my head it wud not fit.  I almost cried becuz I wunted to be a lion with a main all the way frum China.  It wuz even a size large.  I spose Doggies in China are smaller than me, Percy.

Saturday, August 26, 2017

cow licked

My mommy sez that when I wuzzed jest a liddle puppy  a cow licked me  and that one lick made my coat swirley.  It is right below my ear so I bet that cow was trying to clean off my neck.  Tank you cow frind.  it luuks like a tornado swirl.  I hope you canz see it ok.

Friday, August 25, 2017

mister green squeek

uh oh, mister green squeaky froggy gitted stuck in my doggy door when I wuzzed blasted out with him.  I tinked its kinda funny cuzzed it luks like he is looking outside.
whut do you see, mister GSF?

Thursday, August 24, 2017


oh my heavens.  jest lookit whut I finded on my hippity hunt this afternoon!  I tink dis is the most yucky ting I has ever finded.  me and mommy runned for our lives becuz those are meat eaters.
here is a close up.
whut do you tink is inside?  Mommy sez a queen lives inside.  do you tink she wears a crown?

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

konked out

                                  my mommy sez me and grouchy pants Asa are sleeping hard.
we dent understand why she sez's not hard for us!

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

summer nites

Sumtimes we has a relaxink evening on our back porch with a campfire.  it is so peaceful and nice.
evin grouchy pants Asa and old man Max enjoy it. I bringed out my catypiller so he cud join in too.
I ruv to watch the fire and flames.  it keeps me warm too.
I taked advantage of the dark and went and creeped on mr. mean.  do you see me in the background?
thin I went and made sure old man Max knewed that catypiller is mine.
yaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwnnnnn, it is time for bed now.  I will have a gud slumber tonight.

Monday, August 21, 2017

eclipse day

mommy sed sumptink speshil is happening today.  she sed the sun wuzzed going to take a nap during the middle of the daytime!.  the moon is going to turn out the sun for a while and mommy sez it cud maked me blinded if I lukked up in the sky win it happins.  so I has to wear sum glasses if I go outside during that time.  these are the safety glasses.
I hated to wear them becuzzed they made me see blackness, so I choosed to jest watch the sun take a nap on tv, inside, frum the couch.  it wuzzed preddy cool.  do you see my cattypiller?  I ruv him. he is watching with me.
I gotted a liddle bored, so I tried to take a quick nap on my catypiller

but thin I had a fritning thought--whut if the sun never wakes back up???  gulp...wud the zombies come???  mommy?? wheres my mommy?  I wunt my mommy.
ok, so, the sun did wake back up, and I dent see iny zombies at all.  and my mommy is here with me. Later on I goed outside and made sure the sun wuzzed awake.  it wuz, and I em releeved.
tank goodness fur evryting.

Sunday, August 20, 2017

grouchy pants asa and his chew

jest lukkit this grouchy ole face. asa wuzzed saying "git away frum me and my chew, you liddle brat.
mommy tinks Asa is so cute, but she duzznt know dat he is mr. mean pants to me.  i sed to him, canz I share dat chew with you preddy peas cutie pie Asa??  dis wuzzed his anser. NO, and git  away!
I cried a liddle bit by myself inside.  whut a mr mean pants.  
later on after dinner win grouchy pants Asa wunts to play with me I em gunna tell him no, go away.
here I em telling him no, and go away mr.mean.
but I tinked his face lukked so sad.... and I feeled bad about it.  so, I cided I wud radder play with him. so we chewed up a box togedder and now we are buddies agin!  

Saturday, August 19, 2017

weekend projeck

we are buildink a new cement area for sum stuff like our barbeq.  I wunt to help, but mommy sez no no, Percy, you has to git out of the way, we are buzy here.
I wuzzed hoping it wuzzed going to turn out to be a play area for me, kinda like a puppy sandbox!
but win I waked all up after my nap, here is whut it turned in to.

it wuz all hard and I cud never dig in this hard top stuff.  mommy sed, oh no Percy, it mite still be wet
I lukked at her and sez don't you worry mommy, it is nice and dry.  I em standing on top and not sinking in.  I secretly wished I wuzzed sinking in tho.  that wud be fun, and my paw prints would stay
thin I saw this-- hooman hand prints!  what in the heck ever??  I canz not beeleeve it. I did not git the chance to make my paw prints stay forever...
thin mommy sed, well, percy, I dent wunt your bootifull paws to stick togedder with cement.
if that happened we wudnt be able to play innymore.

she is right!  I wunder if a hooman is going around with hands sticked togedder sumwhere.
I will watch for them, thin I will know whose hand prints those are.

Friday, August 18, 2017

night eyes

Well I was hunting wormies last night and mommy taked my pitcher in the dark.  I cant believe it, but I luk like a zombie.  my eyes are so fritning scary. I canz not evin lookit this pitcher.  it scares me.
I em NOT a scary Zombie.  
by the way, mommy sez there is sumptink callt an eclipse coming soon.  she sed I has to stay inside cuz it I luk at the sun, this could rilly happen to my poor liddle eyes.  

Thursday, August 17, 2017

dog daze of summer

I ruv taking afternoon naps.  see my tung hanging out?  That meens I em konked out comfyterble!

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Walking the Rock

Today I getted to go on a walk to the castle rock of Castle Rock.  it wuz a nice warm day and I needed a long walk.  I em smiling becuzzed I live right over that liddle hill behind me. I canz almost see my house frum here.  hee hee.
oh yeah!  this iz so much fun.  hurry up mommy, I smell sum lizzerds!
me, Percy is a proud American. Do you see our star spangled banner behind me?
I salute it,
I made it to the top, jest lookit the vuw behind me.  that big road is the innerstate highway #25
it iz going to dinver.

I like to wach the cars going to dinver

but I em tired frum hiking, so I try to take a liddle rest.  I almost falled asleep jest sitting here.
it is so pieceful!
duzznt it luk like I em on the moon?
But mommy jest turnt that pitcher in to black and white.  here is the real colors.
kind of the colors of me!

I did a lot of hunting for lizzerds while we hiked back down.  I dent git iny at all.
tanks mommy for a fun time today!! 

Tuesday, August 15, 2017


My mommy sez she is always amazed at what the new additions are for school supplies each year, but this is ridicilus!

Monday, August 14, 2017

Back home and hunting

I ruvved my vacashun but I em happy to be home and hunting agin!  Me and mommy finded Mr. Mcgregors garden this morning.  I tried to rid it of those pesky hippities, but I dent find iny at all.

Sunday, August 13, 2017

A zoo on the river

This river float wuz like going to a zoo.  We meted a lot of animul frinds! These big ole cows sed "moo" to me frum the shore. I sed Heloo big ole cows!

We saw 2 bald eagles too.  But I dent know why mommny callt them bald.  They had lots of feathers.
This is a blue Heron.  I tinked he wuz a flying dinosaur!  He wuz ginormus!
These are callt Sand Hill Cranes.  They mate for life.  It wuz preddy speshial to see them.

And of course this is a Brown Trout.  We saw lots of them!
We saw wild turkeys, raccoons, muskrats and deer too!  It wuz a wildlife adventure.

Saturday, August 12, 2017

Anudder Long Neck like me!!

Oh golly miss molly!  Lookit me riding this long neck!  Mommy sez he is a dinysour-a Brontysaurus!

I wunted to bring him home.  Mommy sed no.  

Tank oo mr. long neck.  it sure wuz fun!  I preciate you holding so still for me, Percy.  It helped me ride you.
Now I wunt to be callt a Long Neck Percysaurus!!!!!!!