Sunday, November 5, 2017

Hunt test-Day second

Well, I did it!  I showed those jujes exactly whut they wunted to see and earned my first qualifying score towards my Hunting Hound title!

I cud not wait to git back out to those hunting grounds...  this is me surveying the area.

today the sun wuzzed up becuzzed it was sumptink callt daylight savings, and I goed 4rth instead of 2nd.  

I started my time and checked under evry yukka, and evin lukked inside that old rubbage pile agin.  
I smelled in the air and caught a BIG whiff.
I telled mommy to hurry and come along.

I runned so fast and finded a ginormus hippity callt a Jack Rabbit!  it commed out of a yukka and runned for his life.  I sed rufrufrufrufrufrufrufruf and runned as fast as my liddle legs could run!  I heared sumone yell Tally Ho!  and then I heared a gun shot!  I stopped and lukked up, but  membered that big ole Jack and came back to where I kicked him up to find his scent again.  I runned some more following his smell and barked out rufrufrufrufrufruf.  He wuzzed gone, but that dent stop me frum hunting him.  rufrufrufrufrufrufrufruf.  he wuzzed as big as me, and a lot faster runner.  he wuzzed gone and I losed his trail.  but mommy sed gud boy Percy, that is such a gud hunting Percy!  we hugged and hugged and mommy sed. lets go git your award!

I kissed my mommy cuzzed I had such good weekend hunting with her.  thin mommy told me that only me and a doxhund qualified--out of 14 doggies!  I wuzzed so proud of myself that I taked a bow.

if I do whut the jujes wunt to see 2 more times then I will has a new title of Hunting Hound!  
                                                            I will!!!

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