but mudder had a bedder idea. she telled me to come stand by a sign for the continental divide. she said that if I peepeed on one side of the sign it would flow in to the pacific ocean, and that if I peepeed on the other 1/2 of the sign it wud flow in to the atlantic ocean!
now that sounded about the coolest ting I has ever heared! so I taked my pitcher.
I wuzzed trying to look so great win all of a sudden a big gust of wind happened!!
it wuzzed blowing ice and snow right at me. and I did not like that one bit.
the wind started to blow me down the mountainside, so I was ready to back to the truck.
it wuzzed preddy awful. but win I gitted back in the truck mudder gived me a big treat for being so brave. I did not evin git my chance to go peepee in both oceans at the same time.
whin we gitted to our cabin I immedietly tangled myself around tings. so mudder sed, we wud go for a walk while phil unloaded our stuff. I seem to always git my way.
furst I found a cool wagon wheel so I smiled my best Percy smile.
thin I runned and runned becuz the sign sed there were children playing ahead and I wanted to play too. but we never finded iny kids, I gess it wuz too cold.
I wuz sad that we did not find the children playing.
but whut we found next was bedder than children playing--we finded the grand lake! and the grand lake had ducks floating on it!
I cud tell that the water wuzzed way too frozed to go in, so I jest watched the ducks frum the walk out
and of course I had to take a bootiful pitcher with the splendid back ground. this big mountain is callt mount baldy! ha ha.
this is me snickering about the name mount baldy.
here is anudder of me and baldy and I em still snickering. hahaha whut a funny name for a mountain
tonight I git to sleep in bed with mudder and Phil. I has not sleeped in bed with them since I wuz a liddle puppy. it is going to be so grate.
I chewed myself to sleep. goodnight everyone. tomorrow will be more ventures in Grand Lake.
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