we taked a hike down a trail and over a cupple of creeks.
thin we had to climb up and over sum rocky areas to git to the cove.
a lot of humans jump frum the top in to the wadder. yipes.
it is only 10 feet deep in there.
we started to hike back out and mudder sed "hold on Percy, I want to go luk over the edge"
I holded on.
but mudder wuzzed gone forever and I wined and wined and barked. mudder come back.
she commed back and sed, wow, it is a long way down.
on the way out I went over sum more rocks over the creek.
I stopped to have a liddle drink of ice cold rocky mountain spring wadder. nom nom nom
I wunted to go in for a quick swim, but mudder sed "no no Percy, that wadder is freezing cold"
thin I saw sum cows, and all of this is why I ruv living in Colorado.
bye bye cove, bye bye cows. my life is preddy grate, don't you think so too?
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