Wednesday, February 28, 2018

i learned how to frame it!

Today at Agility class we got to work outside and I started to learn new quipment like the tire jump and the a-frame.  here is me going up on over on my furst try to go up and over.

                                                        Mudder is so prowd of me.

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

my education wok

on our wok today I caught a scent of sumptink that smelled rilly good.  I wuzzed not sure exactly whut it wuz, but I wuzzed sure that it smelled very gud, like a bunch of diffrint foods...I followed the scent and lookit whut I finded!        Somebuddy lost piece of their mouth, oh no!

I wunted to has it but mudder said "no way Jose", "you leave that mouth piece alone".  I wondered who wuzzed Jose.  we left the piece of mouth there and finished our wok.  
the weather today is cloudy, I call it  cloudy becuze I can run thru them, see?

I tried to taste the clouds because when they are in the sky they luk like cotton candy, so I wuzzed hopeful...but it did not taste like anything.  except maybe air.

thin I saw a big hawk flying in the clouds so I tried to chase him.  I did not has any luck catching him.
I learned 3 tings on todays wok.
1.humans can lose pieces of their mouths right in the middle of the park.
2.clouds don't taste
and 3.doggies can not catch flying hawks.

Monday, February 26, 2018

fluffy snow is falling down

sumtimes these are my favrit kinds of days...  time to go back inside and chew my bone by the fire.

Sunday, February 25, 2018

winter olimpics

I has watched a lot of persons doing a lot of sporty tings in the winter olimpics this last few days.  I ruvved the skiing, and want to git myself sum skis so me and mudder can go out togedder.

it wuzzed very fascinating to see how strong these people are.

                                       they were very fast too!  I had my favorites that I wunted to win

This was one of my favrites-and I was so happy that she wuzzed winning!  I howled her on to the finish line!  arrrorooooo

I cud be in the olimpics if they let doggies in...and if the sport wuzzed sleeping!  I would win a gold medal of my own!  and I bet those skiers wud be cheering for me to win.  Just not cheering too loud.

Saturday, February 24, 2018

upside down Bronwyn

I cud not find mudder innywhere this morning.  Thin I heared her talking the that mean lioness, Bronwyn.  she wuzzed telling her to sit preddy and stay.  I turned jelus becuz I imagined mudder wuzzed training her instead of me.

but she rilly wuz not doing iny feline teaching.  she wuzzed jest taking a pitcher.  
it kind of makes me dizzy to look at it.  thin she sed here, Percy let's take one of you.  now sit and stay.

I telled you --I em always so goofy!  I tinked mine luks like a crystal ball to see the future!  mine is much bedder than Miss Swat's pitcher.

Friday, February 23, 2018

me and my offer

Mudder bringed a plank inside the house so we cud practis walking it like the dog walk.  she sez that it will make her feel bedder about me being up so high in the sky at class if I git rilly gud at wokking the plank at home.  She telled me to "walk it Percy, walk it".  and I do.  we did that a cupple times thin mudder sed she wuzzed going to take a shower.  I wuz not reddy to stop practicing so I waited for mudders shower to end.  I waited the whole time on  my plank, and dis is whut mudder saw after her shower was ended.

I don't tink I need to tell you that I did git to practis agin...!!!!

Thursday, February 22, 2018

miss Swat

I know my mudder ruvs all animals, but I canz not figure out why she tinks Bronwyn is so grate.  She does a lot of bad cat stuff.  If I did these tings I wud be in big ole trubble and maybe evin git paddled.  Jest lookit some of her doings...

she gits in the window...
If I did that mudder wud yell out "percy, get out of that window, you cud tear the screen, if you wunt to luk outside, thin GO outside"  

She also climbs on mudders furniture...
if I  did that Mudder wud screech out "Percy, you bad boy, git off of my furniture, you are going to brake sumptink"

SHe also helps herself to tings she shud leave alone...
if I got close to that ting mudder wud shriek "PERCY, git away frum that right this second, you are going to knock him over and reck him".

now win I tink about it, Bronwyn has never braked innyting, and I have.  maybe I em still mudders favorite.  

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

teachers pet

Today in Agility class my teacher thinked I em learning so gud that she taked a video of me and posted it on her FB business page.  It is me learning sum weave poles.  I already know how to do them, but I am practicing going thru the channel.  everyone in class likes me a lot.

                                                    I cant wait for next Windsday to go again and learn more !!

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

last grand lake day

we are going home today.  I wish we cud stay longer it is so nice here.  it is very preddy this morning after the fresh snow storm from last night.  we went back to see mount baldy one more time.  we had a grate photo shoot.

this is the cabin we stayed in.  can you see me and mudder on the frunt porch?

on our way out of town we drived through rocky mountain park one more time looking for moose.  we dent see iny again, but we did see this!!  a big ole moose had just moosed its way across the street and up the hill!  
he jest wokked right over the liddle trees.  I wunted to follow his trax and see where he went, but mudder sed, "not today Percy, that snow is rilly deep and you do not have snow shoes"

we had a friteful drive over Berthoud pass in a snow storm.  I em so glad we did not slide over the edge.

mudder is right-the snow is very deep!
we had so much fun on our get away that I dent wunt to go home.  but win we got back at home there wuz my box full of regular sized  Lambchops waiting for me.  ahhh, home sweet home.

Monday, February 19, 2018

day 2 in grand Lake

today me and mudder got up very early to watch the sun rise over mount baldy.  it wuz so cold but so preddy.  I can not stop laughing about bald mountain!
it is bootiful isn't it?

later in the morning we went in to town to do sum shopping.  I saw the biggest icicles I has ever seen

thin I spied this--uh oh, where do these mountain doggies go peepee?

we taked a drive in to rocky mountain national park to look for moose.  we did not see iny, but we saw lots of preddy mountains.  and lots of snow too.

after dinner we taked a long walk to point park again to see the sunset on the lake.  but a big snowstorm had blown in and I cud not see baldy. 

and it wuz frigid.  so I cried wa wa wa, let us go back to the cabin mudder.  I want to snuggle in that nice warm and comfy bed now. wa wa wa 

when we got back we watched some olimpics and mudder shared a very speshal snack with me.  
PORK RINDS!!  om my goodness they might be the most yummy snacks ever.

it wuz a very fun day.  and an even bedder night with the rinds.

Sunday, February 18, 2018

our fun get a way

Well, we are goink somewhere new that I has never been to!  mudder calls it grand Lake.  I has been to a lot of lakes, and most of them have been preddy grand.  but I em still cited becuzzed I git to spend lots of time with mudder.  Our furst stop wuz at the top of a very high mountain pass callt Berthoud.  mudder gotted me out of my travel crate and it wuzzed so windy I cud barely stand it at all.  it wuzzed frozen too.  I saw a doggy running with its owner down the mountain and it luuked sort of fun.

but mudder had a bedder idea.  she telled me to come stand by a sign for the continental divide.  she said that if I peepeed on one side of the sign it would flow in to the pacific ocean, and that if I peepeed on the other 1/2 of the sign it wud flow in to the atlantic ocean! 

now that sounded about the coolest ting I has ever heared!  so I taked my pitcher.

I wuzzed trying to look so great win all of a sudden a big gust of wind happened!!

it wuzzed blowing ice and snow right at me.  and I did not like that one bit.
the wind started to blow me down the mountainside, so I was ready to back to the truck.

it wuzzed preddy awful.  but win I gitted back in the truck mudder gived me a big treat for being so brave.  I did not evin git my chance to go peepee in both oceans at the same time.

whin we gitted to our cabin I immedietly tangled myself around tings.  so mudder sed, we wud go for a walk while phil unloaded our stuff.  I seem to always git my way. 

furst I found a cool wagon wheel so I smiled my best Percy smile.
thin I runned and runned becuz the sign sed there were children playing ahead and I wanted to play too.  but we never finded iny kids, I gess it wuz too cold.

I wuz sad that we did not find the children playing.

but whut we found next was bedder than children playing--we finded the grand lake!  and the grand lake had ducks floating on it!

I cud tell that the water wuzzed way too frozed to go in, so I jest watched the ducks frum the walk out

and of course I had to take a bootiful pitcher with the splendid back ground.  this big mountain is callt mount baldy!  ha ha.
                                          this is me snickering about the name mount baldy.  
here is anudder of me and baldy and I em still snickering.  hahaha  whut a funny name for a mountain
 tonight I git to sleep in bed with mudder and Phil.  I has not sleeped in bed with them since I wuz a liddle puppy.  it is going to be so grate.

I chewed myself to sleep.  goodnight everyone.  tomorrow will be more ventures in Grand Lake.